finance01 Michael Darda negative velocity shock

来源: marketreflections 2011-08-19 12:29:12 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2939 bytes)

It’s Getting Ugly

By David Beckworth Aug 18, 2011, 11:45 AM Author's Website

Michael Darda sees trouble in the decline of long-term yields and attributes it to a negative velocity shock:

The U.S. 30-year “long bond” yield has collapsed below the 2010 lows, an ominous sign, in our view. Although some (mistakenly, in our opinion) associate low rates with easy money, we view the collapse in yields across the Treasury term structure as an unambiguous sign of weaker nominal growth expectations. In technical terms, it would appear that a negative velocity shock is under way…

Its Getting Ugly

Broad money velocity in the U.S. is collapsing at the fastest rate since the end of the 2007-2009 recession. In other words, the recent pickup in broad money in the U.S. looks like a dash for risk-free cash assets, which also occurred in 2008 and 2001 as velocity collapsed. Widening credit spreads, a collapsing term structure and flat bank credit also are consistent with low/falling velocity.

In more graphic terms, the recent spate of bad economics news coming from the U.S. and Europe is ramping up the money demand black hole as investors rush back into money and money-like assets. Velocity is dropping fast because of this spike in money demand and, as a result, current and expected current dollar spending is falling too. This is, in turn, is causing the economic outlook to decline and is the development to which long-term yields are responding. Ideally, the Fed would respond to the money demand black hole in a systematic, predictable manner that would bring certainty to market. Unfortunately, the Fed is not doing that and continues to allow a passive tightening on monetary policy.


velocity01 重整化 联系不同能标下理论的一种方法。圈图(即微扰展开的高阶项)的计算结果含有发散(即无穷大)项 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (22646 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 07:30:21

fa01 tax withholdings as proxy for actual jobs. From BNY Converg -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (19513 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 08:46:01

fata001 Money, Macro And Markets Update By Sean Corrigan -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (27074 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 09:19:59

fata001 量子场论中,并不关心振动的粒子——这只是一个基底,一般来说,我们并不关心这个基底本身。基底的振动产生了一个场,能 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (7793 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 11:08:03

fata001 量子场论ray representation 射线表示 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (6001 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 11:21:37

我们假定电子中微子是零阶细胞,而电子为一阶细胞就可以了,现实世界中零阶细胞包括病毒等,一阶细胞包含细菌等,这在形式逻辑中有一个对 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (348 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 11:35:48

fata001 量子场论 量子效应,类似于热效应,表现为某种微观的涨落,这种涨落的强度由不确定性原理控制。而其效果,就相当于在真 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (4238 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 11:46:56

惯性效应实质上是一个起源于加速引起的真空"形变"的局域效应,惯性力就是真空"形变"所造成的反作用力.;安鲁证明了安鲁效应:匀加速 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1862 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 12:56:56

安鲁还证明,真空态与热平衡态有共同的本质,选择不同的能量零点,二者之间可以相互转化,热辐射起源于真空能级的变化.安鲁效应的温度正 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1943 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 13:08:58

由于摩擦等耗散效应而损失的机械功称耗散功,以Wl表示。当孤立系统内部存在不可逆耗散效应时,耗散功转化为热量,称为耗散热,以Qg表 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (5553 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 14:31:40

entropy01 “最大广义熵原理”,即系统总是寻找一种优化过程使得在给定的约束或代价下广义熵最大,即总是使自身得到最大限度 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1180 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:35:18

entropy01 广义熵原理驱动下的股市演化 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1185 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:41:34

应用拉格朗日力学解密股票行情 根据我们对于拉格朗日力学体系的多年研究,我们认为金融市场(包括股票期货黄金外汇等)行情曲线遵循能量 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (3458 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 20:34:32

gr01 基于广义熵原理的生态系统演化动力学:用更为广泛的广义信息概念取代力、物质和能量 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (3125 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:53:25

这里就需要用到全息原理了。在Verlinde看来,描述一个空间最初的系统不是这个空间以及存在于这个空间中的物体,而是包围这个空间 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (627 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:09:56

"曲线段直线段路径积分决定":第二类曲线积分的物理背景是变力延曲线做功问题,那么必然有对力的分解!所以这里面就有的方向性的问题! -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (16243 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:17:57

“路径”的时空间隔涵义使其成为分形时空的基础:路径积分、小波变换与爱因斯坦的完整量子力学理论 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (6363 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:23:56

熵是用来表示任何一种能量在空间中分布的均匀程度,能量分布得越均匀,熵就越大。一个体系的能量完全均匀分布时,这个系统的熵就达到最大 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (139 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:11:42

当两个粒子靠得很近时(所谓很近,是比原子甚至原子核的尺度更小),这些看不见的自由度会变轻,从而变得容易被激发出来,那么这个系统的 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (5161 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:18:57

保守体系的位形,即在保守体系中各质点的相对位置发生变化时,其间的相互作用力作功,作功之和只与各质点相对位置有关。将保守体系在保守 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (2811 bytes) () 10/12/2011 postreply 18:11:20

check01 Wilbur Ross markets never really discount the same thing -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (14704 bytes) () 10/14/2011 postreply 05:40:01

vix01 If the VIX is at 16, as it was a little over a month ago, -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (6328 bytes) () 10/14/2011 postreply 08:59:38

phyath01 :volume has been abysmally low for the duration of the -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (4245 bytes) () 10/14/2011 postreply 14:28:36

trading01 Douglas Borthwick models and Commodity Trading Advise -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (50551 bytes) () 10/14/2011 postreply 15:47:44

fx01 黄惠兰 欧债问题并非没有解决办法,只是欧元区各国还在寻求一个利益平衡点,这个过程不会一直持续,而且一定会有一个结论,因 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (3673 bytes) () 10/14/2011 postreply 14:51:18

check01 欧债危机并非无解 索罗斯的三点 一是保卫银行 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1373 bytes) () 10/14/2011 postreply 15:06:23

check01 Bob Pisani -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1771 bytes) () 10/14/2011 postreply 15:26:03

Soros01:Europe Banking System Needs to Be Bolstered -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (12930 bytes) () 10/14/2011 postreply 15:18:16

回复:gr01 全息原则 3维空间是幻影,实际地信息只是存于2维平面上(万有引力是由空间和时间地基本属性产生地一种现象)。由二维 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (12237 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:32:27

无限制地复印一份材料,图像中的信息逐级降低,最后将彻底地消失。在这个过程中,信息没有彻底消失,或者说没有大量丢失,而是转化成了能 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (44465 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 17:26:10

声子01 在晶体中,离子偏离平衡位置会破坏晶格的周期场,从而引起势能的改变,将使晶体中传导电子受到位移所产生附加势的作用,这是电 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1045 bytes) () 10/14/2011 postreply 17:17:19

布朗运动扩散系数01 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (2113 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 12:22:48

空位和同类填隙原子的产生和移动主要是依靠原子的热涨落——热缺陷(本征缺陷) 热缺陷( 热涨落热缺陷本征缺陷) ... -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1838 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 12:39:28

系统的演化方向,在个体层次上组织化程度不断提高,对称性破缺,熵值减少;而在种类层面上多样性和丰富化程度提高,系统的规模增大,熵值 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (13396 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:20:27

phymath01 "对称性破缺熵" Entropy in Highly Correlated Systems: Market -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (3819 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:27:40

poincare01 庞加莱提出了相和相空间的概念。因此你可以把世界上的一切都有相空间中的几何结构表示。所以自庞之后的物理中,基 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (14358 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 10:09:34

CPU与大脑 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (2882 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 10:22:54

“高能过程”。 在这些过程中,涉及到的能量转化跟所参与粒子的静质量相比不能忽略 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1766 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 14:37:29

生最终幻想X 理质量相当于熵性质量,人体智力活动能相当于物体引力场能,精神智慧相当于引力质量 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (2715 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 14:46:40

velocity01 qe01 现在的以长债换短债大概要到2012年夏结束, 届时会有QE3吗? -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (3784 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 15:35:37

qe01 Alessio de Longis european banks funded >30% of emerging mk -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (14474 bytes) () 10/18/2011 postreply 16:03:25

fin01 TimmyG and Madame Lagarde, other systemic supporters conti -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (7481 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 15:46:05

Sean Corrigan表示,危機亦良機。EFSF是轉向財政聯合的秘密途徑 EFSF由歐洲投資銀行(European Inve -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (5668 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 17:50:30

重整化01 在临界点附近,涨落的关联长度趋于无穷大;量子场论的相互作用从一开始就存在,我们没有办法象把电子拿到固体之外那样把它除 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (4867 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 18:18:29

在粒子物理里,人们猜测当尺度变大,相互作用变强,从而无法把夸克分开。这就是著名的夸克幽禁猜测。这是标准模型中的核心问题之一。 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (7931 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 18:48:15

在多维相空间中适当选取一截面,在此截面上对某一对共轭变量取固定值,该界面称为庞加莱截面。每当轨道按一定方向穿过该面,就将相应的交 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (21772 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 18:54:01

广义相对论中重要的一课教导了我们没有固定的时空背景,而在牛顿力学与狭义相对论则有出现;时空几何是动态的。虽然在原则上容易掌握,这 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (355 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 18:55:46

重整化01 在临界点附近,涨落的关联长度趋于无穷大;在鞍点附近有两种不同的方向,一种是这个方向,另外一种是与它正交的方 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (17359 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 19:01:06

量子场论01 给“为什么电子都是一样的?”这种问题给出了一个令人满意的答案:分 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (18017 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 18:33:34

量子场论01 •对称性的量子破缺 在整个路径积分中,除了作用量之外,还有积分测度。这一部分也记录着理论的某些信息,而 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (35984 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 20:36:49

物理学家认为把夸克束缚在一起的强作用力,就是导致我们永远无法看到莫雷的夸克单独存在的原因所在。但是这种解释有一个问题:根据实验的 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (5968 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 21:01:32

单个粒子的具体空间分布不再像以往在薛定谔方程中重要,只用抽象的ψi来表示。x和p不再重要,代替它们的核心地位的是升降算符 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1243 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 08:07:48

phymath01 凡是能被量化的都可以归为广义坐标 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (1850 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 10:35:45

ta001 Tom DeMark exhaustion and trend change. -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (18982 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 08:07:26



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