fin01 TimmyG and Madame Lagarde, other systemic supporters conti

来源: marketreflections 2011-10-09 15:46:05 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (7481 bytes)


disabledvet's picture

Old news. I'm making a call on what you all may now officially plagiarize as "The Fukushima/Arab Spring hiccup." The economic recovery is underway. Chaos in Europe is it's spark. It's going to start gathering steam in November and we're gonna have one of the greatest dog-fights in political history between Mitt Romney and the incumbent President Obama which will only serve to push the economy more and more towards growth. I still recommend the idea of lowering the age of eligibility for Social Security for this Administration as a "crass political vote getting scheme" which has the added value of instantly generating economic growth.

Sun, 10/09/2011 - 12:45 | Link to Comment Schmuck Raker
Schmuck Raker's picture

Speaking of China...

"Global Times: "Time to teach those around South China Sea a lesson." "

Sun, 10/09/2011 - 13:05 | Link to Comment apberusdisvet
apberusdisvet's picture

Chilton is playing good cop to the other bad cops; nothing more to see; still a criminal, corrupt regulatory body. Our only hope in the further separation of the physical and paper markets; incrementally happening, although not fast enough.

Sun, 10/09/2011 - 13:44 | Link to Comment A_MacLaren
A_MacLaren's picture

A good deal of leverage has been shaken out of the system, of that there can be little doubt.

Oh yes there can be doubt about the amount and degree to which leverage has been shaken out of the system. Sean, you're not reading this and certainly are not going to respond, so this comment is rhetorical.

I would suggest the leverage hasn't disappear, please show me which aggregate debt levels are falling?

Debt is leverage.

I would suggest the opaque leverage is growing, and is less visible. Derivatives employ huge amount of leverage, buy a CDS for some amount of bps above an index or a swap rate, and receive huge faux insurance for debt (leverage) for pennies on the thousands and millions of currency units.

Derivatives are leverage.

TimmyG and Madame Lagarde, other systemic supporters continue to advocate loans and leveraged loans as bailout mechanisms for other debt and leverage turned sour and going bad.

Ponzi leverage to prop up a failing system of excess leverage wherein the prior losses have not and cannot be recognized, lest the entire house of cards fall flat.


Sean Corrigan表示,危機亦良機。EFSF是轉向財政聯合的秘密途徑 EFSF由歐洲投資銀行(European Inve -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 (5668 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 17:50:30



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