phymath01 "对称性破缺熵" Entropy in Highly Correlated Systems: Market

来源: marketreflections 2011-10-10 15:27:40 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3819 bytes)


Entropy in Highly Correlated Systems: Market Equilibrium as Stable Synchronized Flow

The review article linked to the post on Tsallis entropy provides an excellent introduction to this generalization of Boltzmann-Gibb (BG) statistics. In particular, section 2.2 explains how BG statistics obtain at certain limits of the generalized q-statistics (a/k/a Tsallis entropy). What are these limits?

First, BG statistics apply at the limit of independence. So, for example, in a series of N binary events, Tsallis entropy is approximately 2^[N(1-q)]-1/(1-q), and if the events are independent, q = 1 and this reduces to the BG entropy 2^N. This limit is not all that surprising.

Second, BG statistics also apply at the limit of perfect correlation. So, for example, if events are correlated at all scales in accordance with some power law N^r, then the Tsallis entropy is approximately N^[r(1-q)]-1/(1-q). If and when q takes on the value q* = 1 - 1/r, then again BG statistics obtain, albeit to a different set (of rescaled) microscopic variables.

That is really surprising. What that means is that we might see normal (i.e., gaussian statistics) apply even to highly correlated "equilibrium" states. One can't help wondering whether, in fact, that is exactly what we are calling a market equilibrium.

Statistics are all well and good, but what is going on at the micro level to produce these statistics? Tsallis talks in very general terms about "multi-fractal" states. What's that mean? Sounds cool at least, doesn't it?

The paper from Zanette and Kuperman I posted on Friday provides some interesting clues about how microscopic dynamics go from uncorrelated to correlated through a phase transition. The figure posted shows how the number of clusters with different phase characteristics is maximized during phase transitions, and that the process of going from uncorrelated to correlated states involves "cross sync" of spatially dispersed clusters during the phase transition.

Read in conjunction with the papers on Tsallis entropy, I think a picture of how the micro dynamics change with the macro statistics starts to emerge. In particular, we should see Levy statistics during phase transitions, and Gaussian statistics in periods of relatively good syncrhonization/high correlation.

It's a new way to model markets, but the math is all there, folks. Look at the statistics for price shifts within a window to see if they're gaussian or levy distributed. If gaussian, then buyers and sellers are either acting completely independently of one-another (possible, but unlikely) or counterparties are acting synchronously in accordance with share perfectly antisymmetric expectations of future value/revenue (more likely). If levy, then the perfectly antisymmetric synchronized flow among buyers and sellers has broken out into multiple cross-synced clusters.

Is there a way to prevent the market from crashing precipitously at unpredictable intervals? I don't know, but I would think that keeping the market constantly in a phase transition would be a more stable mode of operation -- less susceptible to systemic failures -- than a mode of perfectly correlated expectations.



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