
来源: 海外逸士 2012-08-28 07:26:02 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4002 bytes)
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“促膝談心”。記不太清了。林的譯文可能是 had a heart-to-heart talk in her
womanly manner. 後面的介詞短語記得很清楚。當時我想﹐既然原文是“促膝”﹐
何不譯成 with knees against knees﹐不就到位了嗎﹖所以﹐翻譯要精益求精是不




Postword of Yanlingshi on "Six Chapters of Floating Life"

So far, far away!  Providence is at a tremendous distance; no one can learn
its will. I sigh for world events so changeable and the floating life like
a dream. I grieve for the river water flowing away forever and wild geese
gone without leaving any trace on snow Like a bereft goose crying so melancholy,
 her life mate can't live till their hair grows white.  Like pretty peach
blooms being destroyed, the fate of the beauty is so lamentable.  The Chinese
crabapple is so delicate and suffers from the envy of winds and rains. 
The duckweed is rootless and so experiences all hardship of floating and
roaming.  Just as they get along like fish in water or like phoenixes flying
side by side, unexpectedly, however, the intertwined boughs of twin trees
are broken and they sigh for being unable even to meet in dreams.  What
is Heaven that plays tricks on humans?  Now that the fair lady is born with
deep love and the man of letters with pure affection, why not let them enjoy
good time forever and view beautiful scenery together?  Who said that a man
in poverty and destitution is destined for great tasks?  Should the affection
of a lady end in her tears running dry and her heart becoming lean?  Since
the ancient time, good things always undergo tribulations. It's difficult
to ask Heaven why they should be as they are. Old black tree bark with the
circumference of a hundred feet, the ground supports it in vain. There's
no way to Pengying, but the Bitter Sea has bounds. Where is Hejing now?
And Sizong is long gone.  I mourn for the death of the lady; her story remains,
 but what's the use? I grieve that she died like the orchid withering with
no more fragrance left.  I cannot bear to finish her story. When these words
have not expressed what I have to say, my pen is dripping with tears of
ink.  As I finish the writing of the eight lines, my voice in chanting becomes
melancholy.  My poem goes as follows:

The flame of the candle sways in the pale moonlight;
The cool wind permeates her thin dress.
Autumn intrudes and her shadow gets meager;
Frost dyes the chrysanthemum so fat
As she's sadly gone, the quilts are left cold.
And cuckoo's cry sounds so sorrowful.
Since the gloomy road to Hades discontinued,
Where does her sweet ghost return to?








好诗句:“淡月搖寒焰﹐霜染菊花肥。”谢分享[浮生六記]中英读后感。 -斯葭- 给 斯葭 发送悄悄话 斯葭 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 07:47:12

确实不错! -聚曦亭- 给 聚曦亭 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 08:39:34

参考资料 -yuanxiang- 给 yuanxiang 发送悄悄话 yuanxiang 的博客首页 (464 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 09:19:10

回复:译文有多处不当 -bmdn- 给 bmdn 发送悄悄话 (39 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 09:21:05

ND老师但说无妨,感觉海老师不会上火。没人说他。。。呢?嘎嘎~~ -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 09:31:14

空言何補。 -海外逸士- 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 10:26:06

逸老,我觉得可能是大家给你提的意见你十有八九不接受,所以,大牛bmdn也就不想跟你细讲了:)) -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 11:16:48

我很佩服大牛。 -onceuponatime- 给 onceuponatime 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 13:03:01

正確的意見總是接受的。所以量量自己的底﹐不要亂提。別強不知以為知。 -海外逸士- 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 15:05:26

Thank you~~ -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 16:10:08

与海老师阵前交锋,什么赤兔胭脂马,锦子连环甲,偃月刀 -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (367 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 10:22:47

原文是古人寫的。要把它放到古代環境中去翻譯。 -海外逸士- 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 10:28:17

原来如此,搜狗了,一会去读。刚才跟你抬扛。 -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 10:33:37

猜海老师会说:你先去写一部小说然后给我读上300本书再来跟我讨论。哈哈!其它事情我不敢保证,但预料他说啥我还是挺自信的。 -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 10:29:40

感觉 heart to heart 挺好的。 -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (90 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 10:26:30

促膝談心就應該這麼譯的。 -海外逸士- 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 10:29:52

卖个广告就跑:偶这里有超级新款防弹衣,锦子连环甲,新款墨镜廉价出售。。~~跑了。 -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 10:38:46

別跑﹐不來抓你。當心捽跤。你是電視劇的調皮搗蛋的女孩。 -海外逸士- 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 15:12:10

逸士是很厉害,俺承认, 文言文英语水平都很高。可你自己给自己封第一,没用,不算数 -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (227 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 11:04:09

可向老逸学 -onceuponatime- 给 onceuponatime 发送悄悄话 (99 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 12:14:04

haha,这人考试不行,但很牛。他好象有个名言和名3维体论: -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (68 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 12:31:57

hehe。她永远是他的老师。 -onceuponatime- 给 onceuponatime 发送悄悄话 (60 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 13:01:14

我找到我托福语法没及格的原因了 -onceuponatime- 给 onceuponatime 发送悄悄话 (111 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 21:25:05

hahahaha,you are funny.你的确语法非常非常过硬。 -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (35 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 06:59:50

听说老逸以前写了本托福书,哈哈哈 -onceuponatime- 给 onceuponatime 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 07:09:16

莫非我买的这本是。。。哈哈 -onceuponatime- 给 onceuponatime 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 07:27:26

我要查查我用的是哪本?我当时就奇怪,我是背的答案,怎么就错涅,haha -tern2- 给 tern2 发送悄悄话 tern2 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 08:22:31

很可能是同一本:) -onceuponatime- 给 onceuponatime 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 08:43:55

我沒說第一。是你們自己下的結論。跟我無關。 -海外逸士- 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 15:07:40

老逸认为中国人里没人比他英文写作好。请老逸写首 -onceuponatime- 给 onceuponatime 发送悄悄话 (63 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 15:41:28

不要用一般語法來衡量特殊寫作﹐包括詩歌。自己拿錯了把尺。還怨別人。 -海外逸士- 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的博客首页 (2119 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 05:59:10

我前几天说了。你这首十四行写的不错。但如果你不写Rondeau,怎能服众。是你说你英文写作无敌手呀,hehe。 -onceuponatime- 给 onceuponatime 发送悄悄话 (265 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 07:11:39

我為什么要去服眾呢﹖我只要自己知道自己就夠了。說了你們信不信我也無所謂。 -海外逸士- 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 14:22:36

试一句,请高人指点。 -涛如云海- 给 涛如云海 发送悄悄话 涛如云海 的博客首页 (100 bytes) () 08/28/2012 postreply 17:55:06

請問這句是翻譯嗎﹖ -海外逸士- 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 06:04:21

是我的译文,没有时间多译了 -涛如云海- 给 涛如云海 发送悄悄话 涛如云海 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/30/2012 postreply 16:43:14

我在网上找到了《浮生六记》的前四卷,用search来找“心”这个字,没看到有“促膝谈心”啊 -doyouknowme- 给 doyouknowme 发送悄悄话 doyouknowme 的博客首页 (156 bytes) () 08/29/2012 postreply 08:24:46



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