
本文内容已被 [ blhw72 ] 在 2008-02-25 10:26:08 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

I am afraid that it isn't a good idea.

Before you try to get fertilized, you and your hu*****and shouldn't frequently M. L. It will affect your hu*****and's sperm's quality. At least, give 2-3 days grace period.


how old can a woman still get pregnant, normally? -to-soyo- 给 to-soyo 发送悄悄话 (40 bytes) () 02/24/2008 postreply 15:08:33

回复:how old can a woman still get pregnant, normally? -blhw72- 给 blhw72 发送悄悄话 blhw72 的博客首页 (380 bytes) () 02/24/2008 postreply 15:47:23

再请教`一`个`问题,黄体酮会随着年龄的增长而下降吗? -to-soyo- 给 to-soyo 发送悄悄话 (164 bytes) () 02/24/2008 postreply 15:58:31
