To Chniese ladies marrying with other racial men - Could you sha

Could you share with us your background? e.g. looking (top, average, etc), height (or figure), if curvy or not, work or not (if work, which occupation and how much salary), education (if, in China or here), marriage status before the current one, (if married before, any kids), how did you meet your hu*****and, who pursued who, are you and your hu*****and match? etc.


难道这FBI今儿也上这里来了? 大家小心点哦.正常人不会这么38的. -知福惜福- 给 知福惜福 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 11:23:48

he/she is just curious. -Eveline- 给 Eveline 发送悄悄话 (233 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 11:29:55

没那么严重,它只是一般的弱智而已。 -Z.A- 给 Z.A 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 20:16:16

不会吧?还真有人这么热衷别人的隐私?FBI也不管这些事儿的。 -菲妈妈- 给 菲妈妈 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 14:20:58

I think it is just an interesting topic. -dellcomputer- 给 dellcomputer 发送悄悄话 (97 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 14:56:52

I think you questions are bit too personal. -gzlady- 给 gzlady 发送悄悄话 (541 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 17:07:07

看了你以前的帖子知道你是个单身妈妈,鼓励你寻求新的开端! -小妹妹~~- 给 小妹妹~~ 发送悄悄话 小妹妹~~ 的博客首页 (244 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 18:24:12

Some American men like single mom with kids -sansemao- 给 sansemao 发送悄悄话 (500 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 18:42:12

Oh, if that is the case, I wish you the best luck. -gzlady- 给 gzlady 发送悄悄话 (446 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 19:07:53

I agree with you guys. -dellcomputer- 给 dellcomputer 发送悄悄话 (281 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 19:11:46

不好意思,我话说重了。我也刚查过你的帖子,离婚不一定 -菲妈妈- 给 菲妈妈 发送悄悄话 (214 bytes) () 09/16/2006 postreply 19:21:17

No problem -dellcomputer- 给 dellcomputer 发送悄悄话 (335 bytes) () 09/17/2006 postreply 07:01:07

致敬 -yubiny- 给 yubiny 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2006 postreply 09:17:40

不过你楼顶那贴有点38啊,嘿嘿 -yubiny- 给 yubiny 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2006 postreply 09:19:57

别担心,你只是在回别人的帖子里提过一句你前夫也是那样的。 -菲妈妈- 给 菲妈妈 发送悄悄话 (36 bytes) () 09/17/2006 postreply 09:30:34
