【翻译写作】练习之六--原文+汇总(Asian American节选)

本文内容已被 [ beautifulwind ] 在 2011-07-02 06:13:40 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

本人是英语外行,说说热闹:因为大家参与,互相点评,再看原文之前,已经和NewVoice和newton同学学会了外黄内白(yellow on the outside, white on the inside), 母语(mother tongue),敬语(honorific)表达,lmao学会了:可以用 strived hard to make it like one表达 虽然我的身份是移民,我却从来没有想过像一个移民那样努力地奋斗。”,非常接近原文的表达。

植入的种种不同表达法:ingrainembedinstillroot in,implant,etc 

语法方面: American复数应加s Althoughbut 不应同时出现,单句之间一定要有连词. I think...和 I think that...都可以,但后者表达更正式一些。etc。(most of them, learned with Yugong,lmao.)

       文青同学也给我指出了:“ironically用的不对,ironically是有点自相矛盾的意思,比方说:He hates Koreans, ironically Korean food is his favorite food. 这里是嘲弄,newvoice用的sarcastically 也不对,感觉只有那个新来的lmao和愚公用带mock词根的词是对的。小溪那个意思接近,但是觉得用法不对。
but I believe that the prejudice to evey race has already deeply embedded into our minds, with which we differentiate all kinds of faces among people.

     NewVoice 同学因为长期坚持不懈读英文名著,表现突出,给大家的点评非常好。lmao同学后来加入写作班,勤于思考,功底深厚,有很多精彩点评。小薇同学因为曾经看过原文,没有参与作业,但也给出了精彩点评。非常感谢。   另外,通过这次总结,确实感受到文青曾给大家付出的更多的心血和辛苦。再次深深感谢文青同学。为了减少主持者的负担,今后在给出原文后,只给出大家作业的链接,有兴趣的同学可以自己去看同学们的作业点评和砖头。  



原文链接: http://nymag.com/news/features/asian-americans-2011-5/




 文:by Wesley Yang:

Millions of Americans must feel estranged from their own faces. But every self-estranged individual is estranged in his own way. I, for instance, am the child of Korean immigrants, but I do not speak my parents’ native tongue. I have never called my elders by the proper honorific, “big brother” or “big sister.” I have never dated a Korean woman. I don’t have a Korean friend. Though I am an immigrant, I have never wanted to strive like one.
 You could say that I am, in the gently derisive parlance of Asian-Americans, a banana or a Twinkie (yellow on the outside, white on the inside). But while I don’t believe our roots necessarily define us, I do believe there are racially inflected assumptions wired into our neural circuitry that we use to sort through the sea of faces we confront. And although I am in most respects devoid of Asian characteristics, I do have an Asian face.

There must be numerous American feeling detached to their faces, based upon different reasons. For instance, my family was from Korea, but I could not speak Korean like my parents. I never call the elders in proper honorific forms such as “big brother” and “big sister”. I never date a Korean girl and don’t even have a Korean friend. I never try to work hard as an immigrant as if I were not.


I am an Asian American, in an ironic way, a banana or a cream cake (yellow outside but white inside). Although I don’t believe races determine everything, I am convinced that racial discrimination has been deeply rooted in our minds, on which we rely heavily to differentiate one face from others among the crowd. I do look like an Asian, despite that I am not a typical Asian in many ways.



There must be countless Americans who somewhat feel detached from their looks, but the reason might be different for each person. For example, I am a descendant of Korean immigrants, but I can’t speak my mother tongues (i.e. Korean). I have never called my elders using the proper words or phrases such as “elder brother” and “elder sister”. I have never dated Korean girls, and neither have I a Korean friend. Although I am an immigrant, I have never imagined working hard as an immigrant should.


I am an Asian American, or sarcastically speaking a banana or cream cake (yellow on the outside and white on the inside). Although I don’t think that a person’s race determines everything about him or her, but I believe that racial prejudice has been deeply ingrained into our minds. We distinguish people by their faces among a crowd of people. Although, in many aspects, I have already lost the characteristics of Asian people, but I do have an Asian face.


 There must be many American have senses of alienation due to their facial appearances, but each one has his/her own specific reason. For example, I am a descendant of Korean immigrants, but I can not speak the mother language of my parents (i.e. Korean). Also, I’ve never called my eldership appropriate honorific like ‘old brother’ and ‘old sister’; I’ve never dated Korean girls, and even had no Korean friends; I’ve never thought to work hard like an immigrant, though my identity is.Newton123:

I am an Asian American, a banana or cream cake (yellow outside but white inside) by jeering. Although I don’t think race can decide everything, I do believe that prejudges against each race have already been deeply rooted in our thoughts, by which we distinguish various faces we meet in the midst of many people. Although, in many aspects, I’ve lost Asian characteristics, I do have an Asian face.


There must be a lot of Americans who can’t identify with what they look like, but for different reasons of their own.  For example, I am a Korean descendent, but I can’t speak my parents’ native language (i.e. Korean). I never used “xx”  and  “xx” (“older brother”  and “old sister” in Korean) or other respect terms to address my seniors. I have never had a Korean girlfriend, not even a Korean friend. Although I am an immigrant, I have never strived hard to make it like one.

I am an Asian-American, or in a somehow mocking term, a banana or a cream cake (translator’s note: I don’t know what it is here) (yellow outside, white within). I don’t think a person’s race determines everything about him. But I believe deep in our mind is instilled the stereotype of each race, with which we distinguish each face we see in the crowd. Although in many aspects, I don’t have the characteristics of an Asian, I do have an Asian face.





Many American must have a sense of alienation to their lookings, but everyone has his own specific reason. For example, I am a descendant of Korean immigrants, but I do not know how to speak my parents' native language(Korean). I have never called the elderly with appropriate words such as "elder brother" or "elder sister". I have never dated any korean ladies, even do not have any korean friends. Although holding an immigrant status, I have never thought about working as hard as an immigrant.

I am an Asian American, ironically speaking a banana or cream cake(yellow outside but white inside). Although I do not think one's race determines his everything, but I believe that the prejudice to evey race has already deeply embedded into our minds, with which we differentiate all kinds of faces among people. Although in many aspects, I do not have asian's character, but I do have an asian's face.


There must be countless Americans who have a sense of alienation about their looks and each has his or her own reasons. For example, I am a descendant of Korean immigrants, but I do not speak my parents' native language, i.e. Korean.  I have never used appropriate honorific like "Big Brother" or "Big Sister" to refer to my elders.  I have never ever dated a Korean woman or even had a Korean friend.  Though I am an immigrant,  it has never come to my mind that I will work really hard as an immigrant is supposed to. 
    I am an Asian American, or in a little mockery way, a banana or cream cake (yellow  outside and white inside).    Although I do not think that a person's life is all determined by his or her ethnic origin, I do believe that the sterotypes of all races have been deeply implanted in our minds.  We use those stereotypes to distinguish different faces we have seen in our life.  In many way, I do not have the characteristics of an Asian, but I do have a face of an Asican.
There must be numerous Americas that have sort of strange feeling about their faces, but the causes may vary. Take me as an example. I am a son of a Korean immigrate, but I am unable to speak the mother language of my parents. I never call my cousins using a well suited title like “big brother” or “big sister”. I have not dated any Korean lady. I even do not have a Korean friend. In spite of being an immigrant, I never have a thought to strive as hard as an immigrant.

I am an Asian America, a banana or a cream cake as called in a funny way (yellow on the outside and white on the inside). I do not believe that one’s future is determined by his origin, but I agree that the prejudices on the origin of different ethnic groups have deeply rooted in our mind, on which we base our judgments of different faces in the sea of people. Though I have probably lost a lot of features of Asian characteristics, I keep an Asian face.  


工作了一整天,软件又不太好用,总结得比较乱,请大家凑活着看吧。 -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2011 postreply 01:30:02

总结的挺好的,学习了。谢美风,辛苦了。节日快乐。 -婉蕠- 给 婉蕠 发送悄悄话 婉蕠 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2011 postreply 06:30:49

Thanks,Wanru! -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2011 postreply 21:49:43

回复:【翻译写作】练习之六--原文+汇总(Asian American节选) -NewVoice- 给 NewVoice 发送悄悄话 (1029 bytes) () 07/02/2011 postreply 05:06:37

Billnet推荐的一个最慢也最快的写做方法 -EnLearner- 给 EnLearner 发送悄悄话 EnLearner 的博客首页 (384 bytes) () 07/02/2011 postreply 08:43:48

Thanks! -NewVoice- 给 NewVoice 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2011 postreply 15:21:37

I learned a lot from your comments.Your writing skills are great -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2011 postreply 21:48:49

Good summary. It's impressive. Thank you. -EnLearner- 给 EnLearner 发送悄悄话 EnLearner 的博客首页 (1289 bytes) () 07/02/2011 postreply 08:30:18

Yugong is a perfectionist-very similar to Wenqing. Thanks,Doc Yu -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2011 postreply 21:40:03
