I had student loan too. But I knew I had to pay off the outstand

来源: worriedmom1 2011-11-13 10:15:54 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (261 bytes)

before even thinking of enjoying materials and services. I could stand a life style many americans may think too simple to have fun.

Mindset makes lots of difference. I paid off my student loan just upon I received the first year-end bonus. 


你很自立,收入也很高啊,bonus就可以全付完了。我是工科,读书时就给老板打杂工,没啥贷款 -绿树茵茵- 给 绿树茵茵 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/13/2011 postreply 10:20:20

That's great, I was only joking -gzlady- 给 gzlady 发送悄悄话 gzlady 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/13/2011 postreply 10:22:08

I am just saying it depends on the attitude. For most of youngst -worriedmom1- 给 worriedmom1 发送悄悄话 worriedmom1 的博客首页 (112 bytes) () 11/13/2011 postreply 10:24:51



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