1. "有条件的停一下把流产机会减到最低" - that's not something

来源: Q_Bao 2010-12-15 12:25:23 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1270 bytes)

one can control.

2. if you said what you said to them: "我那时怀孕时候,就没有工作了,因为反应特别大,十个月小孩质量特别好,原来按照我的个性特别停不下来,后来我那个OB医生就说了就十个月可以保证小孩一 悲子.所以一下子就开窍了.与我一起怀的那时还有几个朋友,她们一面上班,IT JOG,有两个都在三个月前流掉了,其实那时她们年纪也不大,三十出头,我觉得更是心里压力吧.后来她们又怀上了.所以我觉得那十个月虽然经济上损失点, 但真的很值得!" you might make them feel guilty about the miscarriage - i've read some women blamed themselves for having miscarriages because they didn't stop working.

3. you are right "有时后不要把钱看的太重." - i totally agree. but, in terms of pregnancy and miscarriages in early stage, it has nothing to do with "把钱看的太重". most of the miscarriages are meant to happen, doesn't matter if one stops working or jogging.

4. it's true "基因占50%以上,还有其他少部分因素", and "其他少部分因素" i've listed in my previous posts, and they do NOT include working, or jogging, or having pressure from work.

5. i totally agree: "如果可以做一些轻松点的工作或在家休息不是更好吗?特别是年纪相对大一点产妇或者原来体质比较弱的人还是很值得的", but don't tell people that if they don't stop working or jogging, they are gonna have miscarriage.



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