I was the first one feeling sorry to her hub's ex

来源: pollyli 2008-12-30 11:51:27 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (666 bytes)
but I didn't know it would bring so many argument.

I feel sorry to his ex because I had same experience with her. My first BF left me and got married in front of me. It hurted me so much. I could not eat and sleep for over 3 months. I can feel what his Ex feeling. But, I don't think it is TuJJ fault. Loved by someone is a lucky and happy thing, it is not her fault at all. I do think her hu*****and could do it better. He may give his EX more time to seperate and move out, then married Tu JJ. As a woman, I can feel his EX's pain.

Anyway, I only want talking about my feeling about this story. I love TuJJ's story, wish to see her article more.


下面有个MM写得好,就是如果一个男人跟你交往到了一定的时候还不能 -alazycatinsd- 给 alazycatinsd 发送悄悄话 alazycatinsd 的博客首页 (110 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 11:56:10

Agree, she is not smart. But, he could do better not hurt her -pollyli- 给 pollyli 发送悄悄话 pollyli 的博客首页 (114 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:01:01

的确是这样,很多男人应该可以更好地处理这个情况的但是他们却没有 -alazycatinsd- 给 alazycatinsd 发送悄悄话 alazycatinsd 的博客首页 (98 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:04:54

but we do not know much about Bill & his Ex,maybe -lemay- 给 lemay 发送悄悄话 (499 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:08:54

Agree, there are so many things that we don't know -pollyli- 给 pollyli 发送悄悄话 pollyli 的博客首页 (57 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:22:28

盗亦有道 -结婚十年- 给 结婚十年 发送悄悄话 (125 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:44:06

Ding JJ, actually, I also feel sorry to her hub's ex -lemay- 给 lemay 发送悄悄话 (315 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 11:57:14

回复:I was the first one feeling sorry to her hub's ex -alazycatinsd- 给 alazycatinsd 发送悄悄话 alazycatinsd 的博客首页 (41 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 11:59:45

小问:过后,你有过焉知非福的感觉吗?我猜上天会补给你的 -糖果果- 给 糖果果 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:04:30

In fact, 过后, I don't trust love any more, so I am still single -pollyli- 给 pollyli 发送悄悄话 pollyli 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:19:53

jj, Please trust Love again, I heard about one person who -lemay- 给 lemay 发送悄悄话 (274 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:26:33

这个真Sad。真不希望是这样。那男的不能代表所有的。你的缘分会来的。 -糖果果- 给 糖果果 发送悄悄话 (43 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:29:00

抱抱,还是一句话,THINGS HAPPEN FOR REASONS -sansemao- 给 sansemao 发送悄悄话 sansemao 的博客首页 (118 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:30:11

就是,这个我见多了,结婚没多久的妻子看着丈夫跟防贼似的,这样的婚姻 -alazycatinsd- 给 alazycatinsd 发送悄悄话 alazycatinsd 的博客首页 (18 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:34:45

understand. if that relationship is MM's first love, it really n -Sylviadu- 给 Sylviadu 发送悄悄话 (21 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:32:12

Thanks above JM. I am a happy single lady with a BF -pollyli- 给 pollyli 发送悄悄话 pollyli 的博客首页 (288 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:40:07

wanna cry, I want to give you a big big hug!!!~~~ -匿名了- 给 匿名了 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 12:48:36



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