highly recommended: NPR podcast "dating while gray"

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Dating While Gray : NPR

This podcast (first season 10 episodes) explores some unique challenges of people searching for love in their 50s or above. Topics include picking yourself up after divorce, self discovery, different levels of commitment, money and sex. It is hosted by a journalist who has been on the dating market for the past 4 years. She covered the topic with admirable sophistication. 

I have listened at least three times. I learned lot and, more importantly, I enjoyed a lot. Each time I was charmed by the host's quiet intelligence, I had the urge to contact her and to make my myself available. I did not, however, for two reasons. First, I am a firm toufu eater and I cannot stand cheese, especially cold cheese. Second, I do not have USATiger's bedroom Kungfu.

Take a listen if you are a Chinese lady in your 50s looking for Mr. Right via 跨国婚恋. In fact I recommded to my soon ex-wife and she loved it.


A side note to an English language policeman here. Show us your own English writing. Otherwise you are in no position to judge others.


Your writing is pretty good! -喜喜哈哈- 给 喜喜哈哈 发送悄悄话 (43 bytes) () 01/23/2021 postreply 07:12:06

看成dating white gay -aha123- 给 aha123 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/23/2021 postreply 08:52:54

That is a huge stretch. -J1960- 给 J1960 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/23/2021 postreply 10:29:33

You write well. I hope -gzlady- 给 gzlady 发送悄悄话 gzlady 的博客首页 (793 bytes) () 01/23/2021 postreply 12:15:22

I referred to a policeman, not a policewoman, lol. -J1960- 给 J1960 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/23/2021 postreply 12:21:06

好, 那我放心了。 只是不想在无意中伤害了别人的感情 :)) -gzlady- 给 gzlady 发送悄悄话 gzlady 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/23/2021 postreply 12:23:47
