
来源: 寂寞的烟花 2020-07-22 11:37:28 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (7342 bytes)
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Dear Sinead
I tried not to get into this war.And did.
And now try to get out and can’t 
Strange creatures we are,even to ourselves.
I treasure every bit of you,body and soul,in these last few moments.
You once said you wanted your children to taste freedom.
I pray for that day,too,Sinead.
But I fear it will be longer than either of us have imagined.
Dan once told me something I’ve struggled with all this time.
He said, It’s easy to know what you’re against.
         quite another to know what you are for.
I think now,I know, and it gives me strength.
In time,look after Teddy
I am afraid ,inside,he is already dead.
As the clock ticks on.
I imagine your heartbeat under my hand
I hold the medal you hung around my neck and I tremble inside.
It will give you courage,too.
Goodbye,Sinead.I love you now,and always will.

