that's called: boundary, essential as human beings

回答: set up deadlines, if not meet, i would-worldance-2018-08-31 22:43:15

  well said: "that's called: boundary, essential as human beings:

set up deadlines, if not meet, i would

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chase mine down to get his assigned chores done. There were times i had to "grab" him from his friend's homes to get his chores done( he forgot). 

Mine has to do chores around house since 1st grade.  I let him choose from a long list, and set up requirements.  I don't like to ask people to do things at home. The rules are set up ahead of time, every one knows what to do.

Now i don't ask him to do chores after college, because he is my house guest, and only stays home for short times.

He'd do chores even i don't ask anyway. It's a sense of responsibility and contribution as a member of the family.
