
来源: 肖庄 2020-07-05 16:40:08 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (2374 bytes)

这是去年随手记下的有关Jasmine的一段,题为“It Takes an Angel to Recognize One”:

It was God's (or Buddha's or some super power's?) miracle that after an extremely hard time, while still being helpless worrying about where to go if she loses her job, Jasmine made it to close a deal on a house purchase. Everyone involved in the transaction contirbuted extra efforts and/or money to make it possible. Jasmine was beyond being deeply moved. She expressed her appreciation when talking to her son, her realtor, the loan officer, and a close friend. She believed it was a team of angels passing such a unique gift from God down and over to her. To her surprise, all the four of her listeners had the same response: "because you are an angel!"

 After the escrow closed, Jasmine found a contractor without license to do a relatively small remodeling project. After the project started, she figured some of the minor problems were serious and needed immediate fix. The contractor and his helper fixed everything including those that were not included in his original invoice. When Jasmine wrote a check 40% more than the original number for the contractor - that's the extra amount of time they spent - he insisted to get only the original quoted amount. The final deal was settled at +20% after some bargaining back and forth. When they left, the contractor murmurred one word: "菩萨!"

Jasmine也是从比较偏远的农村出来的孩子,她在中美两国受过正规教育,用大家的话说一路都是“靠自己”。比你幸运的是她的原生家庭正常有爱,她是在一大家人的宠爱中长大的,也不信什么城里人有什么地方比农村人高,也没觉得自己被城里人看低过 -- 一直到她近三十年的婚姻解体的时候,她很亲近的一个是大学室友,跟她说:你配不上他(前夫),因为你家是农村的!



有限的人必定活在等级制中。 -禾口- 给 禾口 发送悄悄话 禾口 的博客首页 (876 bytes) () 07/05/2020 postreply 18:20:49

其实每个人都是这个等级制的受害者 -肖庄- 给 肖庄 发送悄悄话 肖庄 的博客首页 (962 bytes) () 07/05/2020 postreply 21:15:42

仇恨化解不了一切,但忍辱负重何其难?有时候必须以牙还牙后才能体会到事后的不可化解,也才能提升自己向另一个高度进军 -分与合- 给 分与合 发送悄悄话 分与合 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/06/2020 postreply 07:41:00

肖庄您好:首先感谢您在我博客里的留言,还有讲述Jasmine的故事,我认为人类的罪恶就是人想代替上帝给人划分等级,遗憾的事那么多 -分与合- 给 分与合 发送悄悄话 分与合 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/06/2020 postreply 07:38:00



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