Too young, too naive and too simple... (joking)

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回答: 所以,华人也应该闹呀,抗议呀。咪呜2018-08-16 08:02:38

1st of all , Trump refered to Chinese students, they are chinese citizens. Trump didn't refer to all chinese as a race are related to spy. That's a huge difference and is the core of the issue.

2nd, there is an interest confliction between China(chinese citizens) and Chinese Americans on this, because of what China has done to US in the past decades.

3rd, the situation has been really bad for a long time. 

Hypothetically, what would you do, if you were a muslin living in US right after 9.11, and we had a president like Trump who said casually that all muslins are terrorists? Go protest? If you go, i totally understand, but....
