understood...hehe...did you go Mont Royal during teh long weeken

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回答: Charlevoix in Fall 秋日夏龙湾(1)longhair2009-10-15 20:55:00

as I remember, you should be nearby then. :)


I was around Papinu--my friend's place, then hang around Cote Ve -snowdollca- 给 snowdollca 发送悄悄话 snowdollca 的博客首页 (149 bytes) () 10/16/2009 postreply 09:54:08

Cote Vetu? -longhair- 给 longhair 发送悄悄话 longhair 的博客首页 (132 bytes) () 10/16/2009 postreply 10:19:21

Cote-Vertu (can not type accent), in St-Laurent! I used to go th -snowdollca- 给 snowdollca 发送悄悄话 snowdollca 的博客首页 (319 bytes) () 10/16/2009 postreply 11:52:59
