Thanks. I only see the template, no code. :(

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回答: 回复:秋日的私语 - 饭桌篇longhair2009-10-13 06:13:57

Might you share where to find it? Or, send me the code by email as an attachment? (I guess sending by QQH here will be the same).


我也是从朋友那里抄来的,我把几个<>去掉了,看看行不?不行我email你 -seasickyetdocked- 给 seasickyetdocked 发送悄悄话 seasickyetdocked 的博客首页 (1194 bytes) () 10/13/2009 postreply 09:29:00

you do right click - > view source -Q_Bao- 给 Q_Bao 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/13/2009 postreply 10:19:33
