回复:two 坑s: will you continue this relationship if you found this

ED - Big no no. Run immediately. I had similar experence with a guy long time ago. I felt bad for him and stayed for a while. I eventually got so frustrated and sinked into depression. Now, so many years past, It still hurts thinking about that exprience.

The other 坑, depends on my own income i guess. If I am making 40k, I would like to have a guy with similar or better income so that we don't have to worry about paying bill. But you are making great money, first, there are much less guys who make over 150k and available, second, you really don't need to compromise your life style because of his imcome. Unless he has other overwhelming financial obligations that would drag you down with him, I would be okay with a guy who make much less.


Many thanks to Chinesebuns & Loveny2, i feel better now -EastbayEmao- 给 EastbayEmao 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/05/2008 postreply 20:26:39
