
来源: gzlady 2008-08-15 05:27:17 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1586 bytes)
瑞鹤 wrote a very good comment about the lip-snyching, I should have read it earlier and "Ding" her reasonable analysis, but i have been little busy at work yesterday. I agree with love9999, Lin girl shouldn't take all the credits, but I heard other girl's name is showed on the name list of the show already, and was picked for the show before Yang.

I am going to take jas07's advice, not to be obsessive on the lip-snyching issue anymore, although Viol suggested that "obsessive about something can help people delaying the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. ", Thanks for her advice, I know I am still very far away for getting Alzheimer disease, and I believe that reducing bitterness can prevent disease more awful than Alzheimer, such as cancer. Hope Viol can take my suggestion into consideration

Thank you for dawnw's kind words, and glad to hear that she have been agreeed with me for most of the times. I really feel honored, To answer her question, I am sure my hu*****and knew the "fact' that you pointed out, I have mentioned that he had heard that from the radio in my post. As you know, the medias have emphasized the fact that because Yang is not pretty enough...blahblah. I don't think that would trigger my hu*****and's anger toward ZhangyiMou, since he cares someone's appearance as well. when he watch TV with me, he have made comments like "she must be beaten by a ugly stick" many times. I hope this will not alter the image of my hu*****and in your mind. But as you know, not all the Americans are insightful :)))

Have a good day!


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