Please do the following to post "yourtube"

来源: gzlady 2008-05-25 11:53:58 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (462 bytes)
回答: 和你分享我最喜欢的歌-- "是否"gzlady2008-05-25 10:58:14
1. click "编辑助手"
2. On the window of 加贴编辑助手, click on 超级连接,
3, On the text window, enter your text, i.e. "click to view"
4. On in link window, enter the url of the post, remenber that there is "http://" in the link text field already, so you only cut and paste the url that you want to post after the "http://".
5, Click to testing button to test it.
6. If the testing successful, copy the entire block of code into your post.


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