whatday 今年初写道

来源: onceuponatime 2012-08-24 11:46:54 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3197 bytes)
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回答: 评海外逸士关于写作与翻译的观点聚曦亭2012-08-24 08:55:54

昨天他把Dickens的 A Tale of Two Cities里的第一章抄到这里。一看前两句,显然是出于大家之手:
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom; it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief; it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light; it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope; it was the winter of despair.

It was pitch dark, ink dark, coal dark, a night without the moon--the fluorescent lamp of the
sky, not even the stars--the blinking eyes of Heaven. The overcast sky threatened with a heavy downpour’。

可 是读这两句英文让人有种上气不接下气的感觉。为什么呢?因为这里的语法用词都有问题。如‘not even the stars’插在这里做什么呢?并且‘The overcast sky threatened with a heavy downpour’里的with是多余的。threaten这个词本身就是‘to give signs or warning of; portend‘。所以,地道的英文应是:The overcast sky threatened a heavy downpour。

语 言的产生是来表达和交流思想。准确是很重要的。有位‘学者’说他有判定文科还是理工科生的好办法:‘实系数一元N次方程根的必要条件是什么? 能够答出来的是理工科的,反之是文科的’。我想来想去也不知到‘根的必要条件’是什么意思。我就请教这位学者: ’请赶快教一教我这个文理不通的人‘。学者耐心,把答案写下来:‘实系数一元N次方程根的必要条件是: 含有虚 数的复数根,  必须是共轭复根对儿(complex conjugate pair).’

他的答案我倒是几十年前在初中学过。但他的问 题我还是没搞懂。随即我求学者把问题用英文写出来。学者助人为乐,马上写道:‘What is the necessary condition for a solution or root that satisfies a Nth-order equation of one unknown’?看了后我大吃一惊, 他的英文和汉语没差别。这句英文也是同样令我费解。我只好要从他说的结论推一推他想问的问题。

其实我们不能说一个名词(根,solution,root)的必要条件, 我们应该说一个statement的必要条件。‘solution’是个名词,不是个statement。那么什么是statement?逻辑上 statement是个有真假值的declarative sentence, 如‘我没有工作“。按定义,statement A是statement B的必要条件如果B implies A(从B能推出A)。 当然知道定义写出有逻辑的‘必要条件’问题就容易了。


If r is a root of a non-constant polynomial in one variable with real coefficients, then so is the conjugate of r.
If a non-constant polynomial in one variable has real coefficients then its non-real roots are in conjugate pairs
If a non-constant polynomial in one variable has real coefficients then the conjugate of a root of the polynomial is also a root.

What is a necessary condition, in terms of a root, for a non-constant polynomial in one variable to have real coefficients (all coefficients being real)? 这样我们可以回答:A necessary condition can be that the (complex) conjugate of any root of the polynomial is also a root of the polynomial. 也就是说,如果系数都是实数,它的根的共轭也是它的根。如果有一个共轭不是根,那么这个方程的系数就不会都是实数。



那个whatday人挺好英语好而且人谦虚。 -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2012 postreply 12:34:05

我很感激他的鼓励,问候whatday! 周末愉快! -sportwoman- 给 sportwoman 发送悄悄话 sportwoman 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/24/2012 postreply 12:42:19
