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The World Bank says growth in East Asia's developing economies remains strong, but warns they need to reduce their reliance on exports as the global economic slowdown continues.

re·li·ance /rɪˈlajəns/ noun

[singular] : the state of needing someone or something for help, support, etc. — usually + on or upon
▪ The region's reliance on tourism has only grown in recent years
▪ Some farmers are taking steps to reduce their reliance on pesticides.

de·pen·dence /dɪˈpɛndəns/ noun

: the state of being dependent: such as
a: the state of needing something or someone else for support, help, etc. — + on or upon [noncount]
▪ The company was hurt by its dependence on government loans.
▪ Our dependence upon foreign oil makes our economy vulnerable. [singular]
▪ a harmful dependence on foreign oil
b: the state of being addicted to alcohol or a drug [noncount]
▪ drug and alcohol dependence [=addiction, dependency] [singular] — usually + on
▪ She eventually developed a dependence on the painkillers she was taking

de·pen·den·cy /dɪˈpɛndənsi/ noun
plural de·pen·den·cies

1: the quality of being dependent :dependence [noncount]
▪ the country's dependency on foreign oil
▪ drug/chemical dependency [=addiction] [singular]
▪ a dependency on foreign oil

2 [count] : an area that is controlled by a country but that is not formally a part of it


Talking about ourselves--whether in a personal conversation or through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter--triggers the same sensation of pleasure in the brain as food or money, researchers reported Monday.


The early-morning crash of a Ferrari into a taxi a few weeks ago in a central area of Singapore has become a flash point for antiforeigner sentiment and growing resentment in the city-state over flashy displays of wealth.

flash point noun
plural ∼ points

[count] : a point, place, or situation in which sudden anger or violence could happen
▪ The city became a flash point as political tensions grew.
▪ The situation reached a flash point when union leaders urged the workers to protest.

flashy /ˈflæʃi/ adjective
flash·i·er; flash·i·est

usually disapproving: bright or fancy in a way that is meant to attract attention :gaudy
▪ rich young men who drive flashy cars
▪ flashy glamour
▪ flashy colors/clothes
▪ a flashy dresser
▪ flashy ads

sen·ti·ment /ˈsɛntəmənt/ noun
plural sen·ti·ments

1: an attitude or opinion [count]

▪ His criticism of the court's decision expresses a sentiment that is shared by many people.
▪ an expression of antiwar sentiments
▪ a noble sentiment
▪ “The lecture was interesting, but it was much too long.” “My sentiments exactly!” [=I agree with you completely] [noncount]
▪ A good politician understands public sentiment. [=understands the opinions held by many or most people]

2 [noncount] : feelings of love, sympathy, kindness, etc.
▪ She likes warmth and sentiment in a movie
▪ You have to be tough to succeed in the business world. There's no room for sentiment.

re·sent·ment /rɪˈzɛntmənt/ noun

[noncount] : a feeling of anger or displeasure about someone or something unfair
▪ She bore/felt/harbored bitter feelings of resentment toward her ex-hu*****and.
▪ He's filled with resentment at/against his boss.
▪ He expressed his resentment of the new policies.


A study of overweight and obese people found their risk of knee osteoarthritis was significantly higher than normal-weight individuals but exercise didn't increase that risk.

os·teo·ar·thri·tis /ˌɑ:stijowɑɚˈθraɪtəs/ noun

[noncount] medical: a disease that causes the joints to become very painful and stiff

obese /oʊˈbi:s/ adjective

[more obese; most obese] : very fat : fat in a way that is unhealthy
▪ providing medical treatment for obese patients

obe·si·ty /oʊˈbi:səti/ noun [noncount]
▪ the problem of obesity in children


Someday, if the dreams of movie-technology designers come true, you'll flash your smartphone ticket, settle into your plush cinema seat and be greeted with a hyper-real picture, sounds from every direction and -- if you need them -- closed captions projected on special glasses.

1flash /ˈflæʃ/ verb
flash·es; flashed; flash·ing

1: to shine or give off bright light suddenly or in repeated bursts [no obj]
▪ Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.
▪ Cameras flashed as the celebrities passed
▪ A car was sitting on the side of the road with its lights flashing. [+ obj]
▪ She flashed her car's headlights (at us) and honked her horn.

2 a: to appear quickly or suddenly [no obj]
▪ A message flashed on the screen. [+ obj]
▪ The screen flashed a message in black letters.
b [no obj] : to move or pass very quickly
▪ A car flashed by.
▪ An idea flashed into/through his mind. [=he suddenly had an idea]

3 [no obj] of the eyes: to show strong emotion
▪ Her eyes flashed with anger.

4 [+ obj] : to show (something) briefly
▪ The mugger flashed a knife and demanded their wallets.
▪ The officer flashed his badge.
▪ She flashed a shy smile.

5informal: to show your sexual organs to (someone) suddenly and briefly in public [+ obj]
▪ A strange man flashed her on the subway. [no obj]
▪ He was arrested for flashing. — see also flasher

1plush /ˈplʌʃ/ adjective
plush·er; plush·est

[also more plush; most plush] 1 a: made of a thick, soft fabric
▪ plush carpeting/toys
b: thick and soft
▪ plush fabric

2: very fancy and usually expensive :luxurious
▪ a plush apartment/office/suite
▪ The hotel accommodations were plush.


thank you for your hard work. -tingfeng- 给 tingfeng 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/03/2012 postreply 17:18:32

Thank you for your support! Have a nice week ahead. -EnLearner- 给 EnLearner 发送悄悄话 EnLearner 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/03/2012 postreply 19:56:39



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