- All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life.
- It seems as if each week there is something new that has come to ripen. A garden of Eden so alluring you can’t help but reach your hand toward the blushing fruit. Neat lanes of trees once barren in winter exploded in a popcorn of spring flowers have now yielded their end gains, so ripe that when you stand alone in the orchard you can hear the distant sound of falling fruit make its way to the earth, where alas, they find rest
似乎每周都有新的果实成熟。 似伊甸园中诱人的果实,让人情不自禁的伸手采撷。 成行的树木, 一扫冬日的荒芜, 在春天绽放出灼灼繁花, 在夏秋结出累累硕果。 如此丰饶, 当你置身园中, 仿佛可以听见远处果实从枝头掉落的声音, 发出满足的叹息。