
来源: lilac09 2010-06-27 17:43:56 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (2841 bytes)
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Words and Phrases:

an improvised explosive device -简易爆炸装置
Leave …out in the cold:
Erode the trust: erode侵蚀, 腐蚀
Resist more tenaciously: tenaciously坚持地
Erratic and unpredictable : erratic 飘忽不定的; (运动或行为)不规则的
It is etched in the stone – etch蚀刻
Pervading the environment: pervade -遍及; 弥漫 - An unpleasant smell pervades the house
Perception outpaces reality
terrorist, annihilist
Arbitrary date : 随意的, 主观的
Fanatical elements : 狂热的,盲信的
Sectarian violence : 宗派的, 派系的
Sign onto the idea
Untenable position: Untenable - (尤指辩论中的立场)站不住脚的, 不堪一击的
Shortfall - 不足之量
Endgame -最终的较量; 决战
Wide resonance: 回响, 回荡; 洪亮; 共鸣 Resonate
Stick out: 坚持 He is determined to stick out the race even if he finishes last.
Counterinsurgency: 镇压叛乱(暴动)
Petty, partisan and disingenuous: 小气,党派和虚伪
Steadfast and zealous: 坚定而热情
Drug cartel : cartel - 垄断集团 贩毒集团
Human smugglers: 人蛇
Drug mules : 毒贩子
Backtracking: 回溯
Wage an endless war: 发动无休止的战争
Less coy with the public: coy 假装害羞的; 忸怩作态的; 故作谦虚的
Ramification for preemptive pull-out : Ramification结果, 后果; preemptive: 先发制人的
He was toast: be toast Informal to face certain destruction or defeat
American people are war-weary: war-weary厌战
Make side deals with: 单边的交易
Exit strategy
Open-ended commitment: 开放式的承诺
All-out offensive: all out竭力的,全部的

这段太精彩了,美国出兵打Iraq真是很阿娇-很傻很天真 –
( 7000 soldiers killed, 5.4 billion a month, sticking out there for almost 10 years, still can’t see the end of it)

We have a counterinsurgency strategy which says, primarily, you don't just kill bad guys, you protect the good guys, you protect the population. Can you have a counterinsurgency strategy that works if you have a host government that believes, A, corruption is better than a straight arrow, stealing elections is better than winning it the old-fashioned way, and that, "Hey, you know what? The U.S. is not really here for the long haul, so I'm going to make a bunch of side deals with the enemy of America, the Taliban, and the Pakistanis, who in many ways, just want to play two sides against each other, make sure they protect themselves and their concerns about India.

We have to ask the question: Does remaining in Afghanistan as occupiers in a Muslim country, does that create more terrorists? Does that create more danger for our country or less danger? And remember, again, our primary mission and goal is our own national security. So I question this policy. The American people are war weary. This is an endless war, and they want it to come to an end.


把这段这样网路口语意译一下~~ -lilac09- 给 lilac09 发送悄悄话 lilac09 的博客首页 (1066 bytes) () 06/27/2010 postreply 18:30:04

真快!多谢八八后分享。 新周快乐! -EnLearner- 给 EnLearner 发送悄悄话 EnLearner 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2010 postreply 19:36:33



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