with Chang An Avenue. Or I should say I'm very familiar with the old Chang An Avenue. I used to live in a compound on Chang An Anenue immediately west of 中南海。 My elementary school was also on that avenue, but immediately east of 中南海. I'm sure you know there is this narrow strip of lawn lined by locust trees along that high red wall of 中南海. I walked on that lawn everyday to go to school. My friends and I would pass 新华门 every school day. We had this little dare game: we would approach the gate, which was guarded by soldiers holding bayoneted guns, and see how close we could get before a guy would appear from behind the shadow wall and chase us away. Nowadays when I see boys being mischievous, I sort of see myself in them and just can't get mad at them. :)
A touching story and awesome singing. I'm very familiar
谢!east side got a small park along red wall, you grew up at cent
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04/26/2022 postreply
central, at that time 傅政华was big, now he is in jail (former laws
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04/26/2022 postreply
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04/26/2022 postreply
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04/26/2022 postreply
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04/27/2022 postreply
Sure, will do. :)
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04/27/2022 postreply