
来源: 冲浪潜水员 2013-12-17 02:39:42 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (957 bytes)
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回答: 双语脑筋急转弯,你猜对了几个?手机上网2013-12-16 13:43:35
Thanks! That was fun. Have a few questions for you, though:

3. What always goes up and never goes down?
I wish that is the balance in my bank accounts.

8. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?
How about "the whole globe"? With the Yutu rover exploring the moon, I include the moon as part of my world now.

11.A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is already forty-nine persons in it. At this time,a pregnant woman comes on and boards the ship. The ship sinks. Why?
Still don't get the "pigbot" thing.
I thought maybe the ship belonged to the Republican party, who considers that life begins at conception...

14. What's the poorest bank in the world?
What about the banks that went bankrupt with a huge debt, i.e. negative asset, which should be poorer than river banks, i.e. zero asset.


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