三则有关“Debt Ceiling”的VOA双语新闻

来源: EnLearner 2011-08-05 19:41:45 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5850 bytes)
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(White House, Congress Reach US Debt Ceiling Deal)



U.S. President Barack Obama has reached an agreement with congressional leaders on a compromise deal to raise the nation's limit on borrowing and keep the government from an unprecedented default.Mr. Obama said Sunday night that the proposed deal cuts about $1 trillion in spending over 10 years and sets up a bipartisan panel in Congress to consider up to $1.5 trillion in further reductions. He said that panel will consider all options, including tax increases and cuts to social welfare programs like Medicare. If the panel fails to reach agreement, then the deal requires automatic spending cuts.

Congress must still approve the compromise, which is expected to pass the Senate which is controlled by Democrats. The deal is expected to face more opposition in the Republican-led House. A vote could come Monday, and congressional leaders from both parties say they expect to have enough votes to approve the deal that would raise the $14.3 trillion limit on U.S. borrowing.

(China Dismisses US Debt Deal as Short-Term Fix)



China's state-controlled media say a last-minute deal to raise the U.S. debt ceiling has merely postponed deeper problems that threaten the world economy.In a commentary Tuesday, the People's Daily newspaper said that while the threat of default has been avoided, America's debt problems are unresolved and likely to grow more serious. The newspaper is the most important mouthpiece for China's ruling Communist Party.

The commentary says the American debt burden continues to cast a shadow over the nation's economic recovery, and increases the risks faced by the rest of the world economy.People's Daily says that despite the debt concerns, the dollar remains the world's dominant hard currency and other nation's have no choice but to accept it. China is America's largest creditor outside the United States.

(China Expresses Disgust Over US Debt Deal)



America's biggest creditor -- China -- is signaling deep unhappiness over this week's deal to raise the U.S. debt ceiling and the way it was accomplished.A Chinese credit rating agency Wednesday downgraded U.S. debt, saying the deal does nothing to address the underlying problem. And the official Xinhua news agency dismissed the negotiating process that produced the deal as "a madcap farce of brinksmanship."

Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of China's central bank, used more measured language but issued a similar message. He called for Washington to take concrete and responsible steps to rebuild confidence in U.S. Treasury bonds, saying uncertainties are a threat to the global economic recovery.Zhou welcomed Tuesday's deal, but said he will be watching closely to see how it is implemented. He also said China will continue seeking to diversify its investments.



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