Very thoughtful! A nice writing!

回答: [写作练习]My American Dreamjennea2011-09-07 18:36:56


I don't know much about finance. But nothing is black or white, and anything is debatable.


- Title: My shatterd American dream?

- Carpdiem - Carpediem (from Carpe diem: seize the day)

- the reality behind them is starting to show their ugly sides?

- Not only that, it creates money. It prints money - Not only that, it creates money and it prints money.

- towards keeping the rich alive - toward keeping the riches alive (not sure)

- , Well, it is partly true - well,



Thanks!! Updated -jennea- 给 jennea 发送悄悄话 jennea 的博客首页 (83 bytes) () 09/08/2011 postreply 18:08:10

我觉得是the rich, the poor,the+形容词指集体。 -非文学青年- 给 非文学青年 发送悄悄话 非文学青年 的博客首页 (52 bytes) () 09/08/2011 postreply 21:21:05
