
本文内容已被 [ Madrigal ] 在 2012-12-01 13:23:32 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.



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A mother does many things during the day. She helps her kids wake up early and get some breakfast. When they come home from school, she pushes them to study and get their homework done. During weekends, she often takes them to parks and zoos. They learn about the earth and the wonders of the world. Most mothers never have enough time in the day to get everything done.  



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It is always wise to try to use the right words. When computers were still new machines, many people made mistakes with words by email. But once an email is sent, it cannot be corrected completely. It is much better to understand the power of words. This way, if you need to make a negative statement, you can place it among positive thoughts. This helps the person learn from your advice without getting annoyed. Certainly, it is good to be direct without appearing rude. What person does not benefit from using appropriate words in the working world? 


发音不错,但听着有些奇怪 -yingyudidida- 给 yingyudidida 发送悄悄话 yingyudidida 的博客首页 (7091 bytes) () 11/30/2012 postreply 17:55:57

太谢谢了,我就是需要这样的指点。 -Madrigal- 给 Madrigal 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/30/2012 postreply 19:40:27

不客气。我说话太直接。其实你读得很好了。 -yingyudidida- 给 yingyudidida 发送悄悄话 yingyudidida 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/01/2012 postreply 05:32:50

说话直的是真朋友。 -北京二号- 给 北京二号 发送悄悄话 北京二号 的博客首页 (154 bytes) () 12/01/2012 postreply 07:44:01

谢谢BJER ! -yingyudidida- 给 yingyudidida 发送悄悄话 yingyudidida 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/01/2012 postreply 11:12:32

乐于助人本来就是教授的其中一个标签。 -bingli- 给 bingli 发送悄悄话 bingli 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/01/2012 postreply 13:19:21

乐呵乐呵,谢谢兵粒。 -yingyudidida- 给 yingyudidida 发送悄悄话 yingyudidida 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/01/2012 postreply 18:22:00

主贴跟不了贴。读得挺好的。下次把原文贴出来就好了。方便听者及挑错。:) -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 beautifulwind 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/01/2012 postreply 20:12:12
