
本文内容已被 [ 千与.千寻 ] 在 2011-06-14 12:56:35 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

你发音不错,希望不要给现在还在潜水、刚想露头的朋友们太多压力。大家在友好的氛围里一起学习才有劲儿,鼓励潜水的朋友们多多上来冒泡泡~ :)

下面下西洋MM的推荐的那本Well Said也许挺适合你的。发音问题不是很大,可以在节奏上再下下功夫了。

121. Let’s go to the beach for the long weekend.

122. My school has 3 weeks for winter vacation.

123. I went to Thailand for vacation.

124. My favorite holiday is Christmas.
125. The holiday season runs from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day in America.

126. My whole family goes on vacation together.
127. We are meeting at my grandparents’ house on Christmas.

128. I really could use a vacation this year.

129. Air flights cost more during the holidays.
130. We can’t afford a vacation right now.
131. We had a barbecue for the holiday.

132. We have a family tradition of gathering at my grandparents’ home for dinner.

133. I guess I’d better get out the Christmas ornaments. 
134. That’s one of my favorite parts of Christmas, the children’s surprised

faces when they open their presents under the tree on Christmas morning.

135. Aren’t you excited about the coming summer vacation?
