Thanks No #2!

回答: Congraaaaaaaaaaaats!北京二号2010-11-25 13:49:15

How nice to talk to you all again!

I have a baby boy and he is four months old now. I just ended my maternity leave and came back to work last week. I spent more time on baby forums these days :) Feel guilty not studying English anymore.


Oh, no, don't say that. -北京二号- 给 北京二号 发送悄悄话 北京二号 的博客首页 (278 bytes) () 11/25/2010 postreply 21:06:25

Thanks again! I am happy to see all old friends here too ...... -eyeyey- 给 eyeyey 发送悄悄话 eyeyey 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/25/2010 postreply 21:12:00
