英语小说:Where The Heart Leads(三)

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英语小说:Where The Heart Leads(三)ZT

=====TODAY'S BOOK=====================

by Kim Vogel Sawyer (fiction)

Published by Bethany House Publishers
ISBN: 9780764202636
WHERE (Part 3 of 5)

Thomas sucked in his lips, seeming to give her question deep
consideration. He frowned, and she feared a refusal would be
forth-coming. She leaned forward slightly, pressing her arm against his.
"Please, Thomas? I need some fresh air."

Although his expression didn't clear, he nodded. They moved side by
side through the double French doors leading to the narrow veranda
that faced out over the grassy Common. Thomas tempered his wide
stride to match hers, and she smiled. Such a gentleman lurked
beneath his burly frame.

Thomas crossed to the iron railing and curled both of his hands over
the scrolled top. Daphne retained her hold on his elbow as she took
a deep breath of the spring air. "Ahh. This is much better."

Thomas chuckled. "There's no fan out here to stir the air. It isn't
any less stuffy."

"Oh, but out here we're alone." She peered up at him, offering her
biggest smile. "Do you not agree that's much better?" The blotching
in his neck returned immediately.

"Thomas, must you truly return to Kansas?" She sighed dramatically.

He frowned down at her. "My family is expecting me."

"But Kansas is so far from Boston."

Thomas shifted his gaze across the Common, his expression pensive.
"Yes. I know."

Determined to draw him back, she released her hold on his arm and
slipped away a few feet, peering at him over her shoulder. "Will you
miss me?"

"'Will you miss me?'"

That wasn't the response she'd anticipated. She jerked her gaze
forward, folded her arms over her chest, and refused to answer.
Besotted or not, she wouldn't allow him to control her. Suddenly
large hands cupped her shoulders and turned her around. She had to
tip her head back to look into his serious face.

"Don't play games with me, Daphne." Thomas's deep, throaty voice
sounded tense. "If you'll miss me, just say so."

Daphne placed her palms against the front of Thomas's jacket. It was
a brazen gesture, but he didn't shrink away. "I shall miss you
dreadfully." She whispered the words, waiting for him to respond in

"I'll leave you my address. You can write to me."

Had he made a request or a demand? Daphne scowled, pursing her lips
into the pout she often practiced in front of the mirror in her
private sleeping chamber. "It isn't the same."

"But it will have to do," he pointed out in a calm tone that stirred
her ire.

She grasped the lapels of his coat. "You are coming back, aren't
you, Thomas? Harry depends on your assistance in the presidential
election. He said you promised to help. You are a man of your word,
aren't you?"

The blotching rose from his neck to his smooth-shaven cheeks, but
this time Daphne suspected it had less to do with discomfort than
with anger. How would this big man express his temper? Explode like
Father, or withdraw like Harry?

Thomas drew in a deep breath, held it for several seconds, then let
it out in little bursts through his nose. With each burst, the color
in his face diminished. When he spoke, it was with an even,
unflustered tone. "I gave my word. I'll be back."

She leaned closer.

"To assist in the campaign."

She released his lapels and pranced away, presenting her back.
"Thomas Ollenburger, I--"

She didn't have the opportunity to finish, because someone threw
open the French doors. Daphne spun, expecting Harry, but Mrs.
Steadman stood in the opening.

"Thomas, a few of your guests are preparing to leave." The woman
shot Daphne a disapproving frown before looking back at Thomas. "You
should be there to tell them a proper good-bye and thank-you."

"Of course, Nadine. We were just returning. Weren't we, Miss

Daphne nodded and forced a pleasant expression. She glided past
Thomas, giving him a brief glance. "Thank you for showing me the
veranda, Mr. Ollenburger. Have a safe journey to Kansas."

She returned to the parlor and sought Harry. She would fake a
headache and ask him to escort her home. If Thomas were to regret
the lost opportunity for a lengthy good-bye, then she couldn't

Harry was in the midst of some intense discussion with three other
young men, but she captured his arm and tugged him away from the
group. His fierce glower would have silenced most people, but Daphne
was used to dealing with her brother. "Harry, my head is pounding. I
wish to go home."

"But I haven't even had a chance to talk to Tom."

She made a great pretense of wilting, carrying one trembling hand to
her forehead. "I fear I shall simply collapse if I'm not able to
rest immediately."

Harry blew out a breath of frustration. "Oh, very well." He turned
to the others. "I need to leave, fellows. But--"

One of the others--a student Daphne had seen before but to whom
she'd never been formally introduced--stepped forward. "Harry, why
don't you stay? You know Tom better than I do, anyway. I'll escort
your sister home in my landau."
