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Hong Yi From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hong Yi (1880-1942) (Chinese: 弘一大師 Hóngyī Dashi), born Li Shutong (李叔同) was a Chinese Buddhist monk, artist and art teacher. He also went by Wen Tao, Guang Hou, and Shu Tong, but was most commonly known by his Buddhist name, Hong Yi. He was a master painter, musician, dramatist, calligrapher, seal cutter, poet, and Buddhist monk. He was born in Tianjin to a banking family originated in Hongdong County, Shanxi, that immigrated to Tianjin in Ming Dynasty though her mother was from Pinghu, Zhejiang province. In 1898 Li moved to Shanghai and joined the "Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Association", and the "Shanghai Scholarly Society" while he was attending the Nanyang public school. In 1905 Li went to Japan to study at Tokyo School of Fine Art in Ueno Park where it specialized in Western painting and music. In 1910 Li returned to China,and was appointed to Tianjin's Beiyang Advanced Industry School. The next year he was appointed as a music teacher in a girl's school in Shanghai. In 1912, he went to Hangzhou became a lecturer in the Zhejiang Secondary Normal College taught not only Western painting and music but also art history. Come 1915, he was hired by Jiang Qian to teach at Nanjing Normal College (renamed in 1949 to Nanjing University), and taught painting and music. He also taught at Zhejiang Secondary Normal School (浙江两级师范学堂), the predecessor of famous Hangzhou High School (浙江省杭州高级中学). During these later years, Li’s reputation grew, as he became the first Chinese educator to use nude models in his painting classes, not to mention as the first teacher of Western music in China. Some of the students, like Singapore artist Chen Wen Hsi (陈文希)whom he personally groomed went on to become accomplished masters of the arts in their later days. Li Shutong himself was also an accomplished composer and lyricist. Many of his compositions are still remembered and performed today. In 1916, Li underwent a 21-day fast at a temple in Hangzhou, and experienced the benefit of a spiritual life. The following year, he took refuge in the Three Jewels of Buddhism. After spending another year there, Li began a new chapter in his life by choosing to be ordained as a monk, and thus began a holistic life dedicated to propagating Buddhism and its code of conduct. After becoming a monk he only practiced calligraphy, developing a simple and unadorned, yet unique style, which everyone who received a sample of treasured. He became known to all as Master Hong Yi. In 1942, Master Hong Yi died peacefully at the age of 63 in Quanzhou, Fujian Province. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Yi 《送别》简介 来源:百度 《送别》是李叔同作词的一首清凉歌,作曲者是美国的J·P实德韦,它是一首学堂乐歌。学堂乐歌多采用欧美、日本等国歌曲的既成曲调填写而成。《送别》后来被我国电影《早春二月》、《城南旧事》作为主题歌和插曲。该曲诉说一种离别之情,唱起来如怨如诉。《送别》是李叔同从日本留学回国后创作的,此时作者已开始接触佛教,并对佛学有很深的研究,从《送别》词中,我们或许可以感受到李叔同对当时社会的态度和对人生的思考,通过对人生悲欢离合的认知,加上学佛的历程,作者已悟出“一切有为法,如梦幻泡影”之道理,使听者也悲切地与作者产生强烈的共鸣。 弘一法师出家前,“天涯五好友”中有位叫许幻园的。一个冬天,大雪纷飞,当时旧上海是一片凄凉。许幻园站在门外喊:“叔同兄,我家破产了,咱们后会有期。”说完,挥泪而别,连好友的家门也没迈进。李叔同看着昔日好友远去的背影,在雪地里站了整整一个小时,连叶子小姐多次的叫声,也没听见。随后,李叔同返身回到屋内,把门一关,让叶子小姐弹琴,他含泪写下“长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天……问君此去几时来,来时莫徘徊。” 《送别》一词写的是人间的离别之情,讲述的是人间美好之缘,构筑的却是人生的天问风景。在这首清词丽句中,蕴藏着禅意,是一幅生动感人的画面,作品中充溢着不朽的真情。弘一法师的众多作品,体现了中国文化的意蕴和精神。“一音入耳来,万事离心去”。大师的作品充满了人生哲理,宁静淡雅,给人启迪。法师的词像一杯清香的茶,清淡纯净,淡中见真味。 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/29106786.html



李叔同Memorial Hall -走马读人- 给 走马读人 发送悄悄话 走马读人 的博客首页 (20 bytes) () 04/11/2009 postreply 17:28:07

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