走遍美国(02-3): Family Album, USA(1)---The Blind Date介绍会面(Act3)

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Family Album, USA(1)---The Blind Date介绍会面(Act3)


What happened? 怎麽了
The baby-sitter called. 临时保姆打电话来了了
His daughter is sick. 他女儿生病了。
What's wrong? 什麽病
I think she has a stomachache. 我想她肚子痛。
He's a good father. 他是个好父亲。
So... what do you think of him? 那麽……你觉得他怎怎麽
He's very nice. 他很不错。
But I think he was nervous tonight. 但我想他今晚有点紧紧张
It was his first date in two years. 这是他两年来第一次次约会
Will you see him again? 你会再见他吗
I hope so. 我希望如此。
This food is delicious. 这菜 味道不错。
He didn't get a thing to eat. 他什麽也没有吃。
You ordered enough for three or four people, 你叫了够三 四个人人吃的
but I'm not complaining. 但我毫不在意。
The food is delicious. 菜 好吃极了。
Who is that? 那是谁呀
Do you think it's... 你想会是……
No. You won't believe it, Marilyn! 不会。 简直无法相相信 Marilyn
I believe it. Even without looking. 我能相信。即始不看看我也知道
Hi! 嗨
How...? 你怎麽……
Your downstairs neighbor let me in. 楼下的邻居让我进进来的
Did you go home? 你回家了吗
I did , but everything is OK, 回去了 但一切安好
so I decided to come back. 於是我决定回来。
To apologize for leaving so early, 为了表示我对提早走走掉的歉
I brought you a little gift. 我给 带了一件小礼礼物
It's a bonsai tree 这是一颗盆栽
for your new apartment. 祝贺 迁新居。
Hi, Marilyn. I hope it's not too late. 好 Marilyn 我舷 望我来得不算太晚。
Oh, not at all. We're still eating. 噢 没关 。我们还还在吃著呢
Please, come in. Join us. 请进。跟我们一起吃吃吧
It's our meal from the restaurant. 这是从餐厅带回来的的菜
It's our meal from the restaurant. 这是从餐厅带回来的的菜
And how is your daughter? 对了 你女儿怎麽样
Oh, she's fine. 噢 她没事了。
It was only a tummy ache. 仅仅是肚子有点痛。
It's good that you went back. 你回去是对的。
Yes, I think it's important for me to be there 是的 我想我在场是是非常重要
since her mother died. 因为她妈妈去世了。
I agree. Aren't you hungry? 我想是的。你饿了吗
As a matter of fact... I am hungry. 老实说……我饿了。
There's lots of food left. 这 还剩下很多食物物
Mmm, this is delicious! 嗯 很好吃
Enjoy! 那就享受吧
I'm going to excuse myself. 很抱歉失陪。
I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow. 我得为明天做许多准准备工作
Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you. Harry 很高兴与你技 面。
Bye, Marilyn. 再见 Marilyn。
Good night, Susan. 晚安 Susan。
Good night, Marilyn. 晚安 Marilyn。
She's going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow. 她将参加明天在本市市举行的时装表演
She is sleeping here 她晚上住在这儿
so she won't have to travel from Riverdale in the morning. 免得早上从Riverdalle赶过来。
You two must be close. 们两个关 一定很很好
we are. 是的。
we are. 是的。
The whole Stewart family is close. Stewart全家人相处档 很好。
I like that. 我喜欢这样。
And then, two years ago, my wife died. 接著 两年前我妻子子去世了
You miss her. 你思念她。
I do...yes, but I have Michelle... 不错……是的 但我我还有Michelle…
and with time... 而且随著时间流逝……
Is there anyone else in your life? 在你生活中还有其他他人
No, not yet. What about you? 不 还没有。 呢
Oh, I date occasionally, 哦 我偶尔约约会
but my work keeps me busy. 但我老是忙於工作。
Ooh, speaking of keeping busy- 哦 说到忙於工作
I have an early start tomorrow, 我明天还得早起
and the baby-sitter has to get home. 而且临时保姆也该回回家了
Where did the time go? 时间溜到那 去了
It's midnight. 都午夜了。
Thank you, Susan. 谢谢 Susan
I had a nice evening. 让我过了一个愉快的的夜晚
Me, too, Harry. Harry? 我也很愉快 Harry ?arry
Yes? 什麽事
I'd like to meet your daughter someday. 我希望有一天能见到到你女儿
Does that mean that I can see you again? 是不是说我可以再见见
Of course. 当然。
Of course. 当然。
Wonderful. I'll call you, 那太好了。我打电话话
and we'll go out to dinner. 然後我们到外面吃晚晚饭
Please do. 好呀。
I promise I won't leave early. 我发誓我再也不会早早走了
It was for a good reason. 你今天早走是有原因因的
You know something? 知道吗
What? 什麽
I think we're going to be good friends. 我想我们可以成为好好朋友
Good night, Susan. 再见 Susan。
Good night, Harry, 再见 Harry
Have a safe trip home. 路上小心点。
Are you all right? 你怎麽了
Sorry. 对不起。
I never liked that umbrella stand. 我一直嫌那伞架碍事事
Good night, Harry. 再见
He's an accountant.
He works with numbers.
He's an accountant.
He manages your money.
He's an accountant.
He plans your taxes.
An accountant.
An accountant.
That's his occupation, his job.
She's in business.
She's the vice-president
She's in business.
She's the boss.
A vice-president.
That's her occupation, her job.
She's a sales clerk.
She sells clothing.
She's a sales clerk.
She works in a store.
Ya, she's a sales clerk.
She designs clothing too.
A sales clerk.
That's her occupation, her job.
She's a teacher.
That's her job.
Yaaa she's a nurse.
That's her job.
He's a pilot.
That's his job.
Those are occupations.
They're all jobs.
That's her job.
That's her job.
That's his job.
Those are occupations.
They are all jobs.
He's a vendor.
He sells food on the street.
He's a vendor.
He sells hot dogs.
Ya he's a vendor.
He sells ice cream.
A vendor, an accoutant,
a sales clerk, a nurse,
a teacher, a pilot.
They 're all jobs.
a vice-president,
in a toy company.



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