Great job! Regular exercise is crucial to well-being.

回答: J's 10K Race暖冬cool夏2025-01-05 17:45:34


Right! Hope she can keep up the good job! Thank you! -暖冬cool夏- 给 暖冬cool夏 发送悄悄话 暖冬cool夏 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/06/2025 postreply 09:04:34

Strength training is also important for life-long running. -7grizzly- 给 7grizzly 发送悄悄话 7grizzly 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/06/2025 postreply 15:00:02

Must be true! I will let her learn its importance. I heard -暖冬cool夏- 给 暖冬cool夏 发送悄悄话 暖冬cool夏 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/06/2025 postreply 16:10:03

muscle is crucial for all ages.I need muscle to combat aging -暖冬cool夏- 给 暖冬cool夏 发送悄悄话 暖冬cool夏 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/06/2025 postreply 16:12:19
