wasGiven aBibleYearsAgo, stillSittingOnBookshelfNotReadMuch

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together with other books I carried all the way from China and can't to be part with.



I read through in 3+yrs,bedtime. New World English version, -移花接木- 给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/12/2024 postreply 06:22:12

赞!1ofMyBedtimeStories was"Charlotte'sWeb”,what aDifference;) -最西边的岛上- 给 最西边的岛上 发送悄悄话 最西边的岛上 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/12/2024 postreply 06:34:59

Great job! I gave up quite a few times :-) -7grizzly- 给 7grizzly 发送悄悄话 7grizzly 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/12/2024 postreply 08:35:51

Psalms & Proverbs really seamed endless -移花接木- 给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (167 bytes) () 11/12/2024 postreply 09:28:03
