P4: The kale's emerald hue and the tofu's golden cubes
• combine to form a visually stunning dish. The corn and -renqiulan- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/03/2024 postreply 17:56:57
• chili peppers add a splash of color and a delightful burst -renqiulan- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/03/2024 postreply 17:57:31
• of flavor. -renqiulan- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/03/2024 postreply 17:57:58
• You used your words describe exactly what I wanted to achie. -天边一片白云- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/03/2024 postreply 18:19:00
• I believe you are a good cook. -天边一片白云- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/03/2024 postreply 18:21:05
• My wife's the chef, and I'm her right-hand man. -renqiulan- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/04/2024 postreply 06:05:38
• good team -天边一片白云- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/04/2024 postreply 16:09:04