He who finds a lost object can keep it, while the person who lost it is out of luck
[Here's a fascinating discussion of the background of this proverb.]
A salvage team's decade-long back-breaking toil uncovered the shipwreck of
two 17th-century Spanish galleons in the shallow waters west of the Florida
Keys. Carrying gold and silver from the New World, they succombed to a
hurricane. Mel Fisher, the mastermind behind the venture, after giving his best
years and losing a son and a daughter in-law to the cruel sea, triumphed.
But were the fabulous riches found his to keep? The U.S. government thought no:
"They are this nation's heritage and belong to the American public." Legal
battles ensued almost as soon as the treasure hunt showed an unmistakable
Another decade passed before Mel could declare victory. And here's what he said
in front of a display window in his museum, thronged with tourists agog like
children: "In the end, I don't even feel I own these beautiful things. I just
get to be here and show them to people for a while."