from 26 to 9 countries combined spending希望世界和平

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回答: How powerful is the Chinese military?唵啊吽2023-01-27 18:42:53

facts: from 26 to 9 countries combined spending.

after WW2, 5-star general Omar Bradley and President Truman cut down the expense - The United States spent more on national defense than China, India, Russia, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Japan, and South Korea, et al. next 26 countries combined, leading to now the US spends more on national defense than China, India, Russia, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Japan, and South Korea — 9 countries combined.

The U.S. had by far the largest military budget at $767.8 billion in 2021, but China's outlay was also quite large at $270 billion. In comparison, the other four nations had more modest outlays, ranging from Saudi Arabia's $53.8 billion to India's $73.6 billion. 1.Jan 3, 2023
** Defense Spending by Country 2023 - World Population Review › country-rankings
Country 2020 Spending 2019 Spending % GDP 2020
United States $766.58 Bn $734.34 Bn 3.70%
China $244.93 Bn $240.33 Bn 1.70%
India $73.00 Bn $71.47 Bn 2.90%
** U.S. Defense Spending Compared to Other Countries › 0053_defense-comparison
The United States spends more on national defense than China, India, Russia, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Japan, and South Korea — combined.

Defense Spending by Country 2023 - World Population Review › country-rankings
Country 2020 Spending 2019 Spending % GDP 2020
United States $766.58 Bn $734.34 Bn 3.70%
China $244.93 Bn $240.33 Bn 1.70%
India $73.00 Bn $71.47 Bn 2.90%