Is the U.S. influence in Africa being eclipsed by China?

来源: 唵啊吽 2022-09-29 18:18:38 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3092 bytes)
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The US influences Africa for its own national and geopolitical interests. China influences Africa in the interest of the African people. When the US influences Africa, it is a one-directional influence, the US influences Africa. When China influences Africa, it is a two-directional influence or mutual influence. That's why the US influence in Africa is based on its military projection, using or threatening to use violent force to forge its will on African people. The US has a long history of taking African people as its slaves. China does not use gunboats diplomacy. China bases its relationship with Africa on mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

Is the US influence in Africa being eclipsed by China? This is a question best asked to African people. Ask African people what kind of influence they prefer, be a slave to the imperialist power, or be a partner for mutual well-being. Should they be influenced with a gun pointing their head? or be influenced by mutual respect and win-win cooperation?

The US influence in Africa is eclipsed by China when African people are aware of their own interests and stand up for their own interests. The US influence in Africa is eclipsed by China when African people get educated and break the languages of the Western media manipulating their public opinions. The US influence in Africa is eclipsed by China when African people are capable of making their own judgments based on their own historical and real experiences, not on the perception manipulated by western media propaganda.


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