Ukraine, Russia, Czar, grand duchy (大公国),Osman Turkish,Crimea, USSR, The 3rd Reich, EU, Kiev, Kievan Rus,
Cossack,Slav, steppe (大草原),bread basket, commune
agriculture subsidy,Nazi, Nationalism, corruption, looting, marauding
Ukraine, Russia, Czar, grand duchy (大公国),Osman Turkish,Crimea, USSR, The 3rd Reich, EU, Kiev, Kievan Rus,
Cossack,Slav, steppe (大草原),bread basket, commune
agriculture subsidy,Nazi, Nationalism, corruption, looting, marauding
大S是头脑清醒的人,你看这个乌克兰女兵佩戴纳粹标志,这不给侵略者找借口吗? 乌克兰总统、国防长可都是犹太人啊
(378 bytes)
03/12/2022 postreply
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