王定国歌儿曰柔奴,姓宇文氏,眉目娟丽,善应对,家世住京师。定国南迁归,余问柔:“广南风土, 应是不好?”柔对曰:“此心安处,便是吾乡。”因为缀词云。
My friend returned from the southern town
With his YueJi in company
It must be her refreshing music and songs
that has kept him cool in the hot weather
Her breath smelled the southern plum floral fragrance
I asked her if it’s hard to leave that beautiful place
She smiled,
“Home is where my heart settles.”
YueJi (乐伎), 宇文氏应为王定国家伎, 实为家奴。家伎因有技艺在身,故在家庭中地位略高于普通奴婢。宇文氏的回答中充满着身不由己的无奈和随遇而安的豁达。我们每人各自境遇虽有不同,但谁的人生没有几分无奈呢?