Thank you for the discussion. Yes,

来源: ibelieu 2021-10-01 14:06:10 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (957 bytes)
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回答: Thank you so much for taking time to write your甜虫虫2021-10-01 13:24:13

too much greed and lack of empathy can combine to or independently drive up crime rates and are behind all sorts of social ills.  

Considering things like global warming and dwindling natural resources, "Live simply, so others can simply live!" should be replaced with "Live simply, so we all can simply live!"


I wrote: "Viewing an arial shot of the Nile, you find the Nile River Valley resembling a lotus flower; hence the ancient Egyptian symbol for the regeneration of life."

Question: Ancient Egyptians presumably did not have the benefit of arial shots of the Nile River Valley.  How did they know it resembled a lotus flower?

Hypothesis: Aliens did help the ancient Egyptians build the pyramides and took them on their spaceships to view the Nile River Valley.   :)  :)  :)


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