trusted me. I tried. I listened many times. But still .... like

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Thank you for sharing your  stories. Good people met good people. Wish you and your family all the best!

Today Is the Day

I followed you ()
You were at a () bar, you were out till three
Sat alone inside my car, it was nearly four
Couldn't wait for you all night, so I () the door

I was gonna spend the night, coulda been okay
We were gonna talk all night till I went away
Remember how you () to say, "Can't stay up late"?
A minute later and I'm older now, I can't stay awake
I'm driving by your parents' farm in the Chevrolet
I remember that () car like it was yesterday

Saw my brother driving by the other day
Wish that I'd gone () to him, but he drove away
Saw my sister standing there, ()  in rain
Then I thought about nothing that feels the same

Another day come and gone
Don't think I can ever sing that song
Little () we bring along
I'm taking my time
() behind, I () of you

Another day come and gone
Don't think I can ever sing that song
Little () we bring along
Today is the day
Today is the day I think of you

Another day come and gone
Don't think I wanna sing that song
It's always () that makes us ()
Today is the day
Today is the day I think of you


Today Is the Day

I followed you ()
You were at a () bar, you were out till three
Sat alone inside my car, it was nearly four
Couldn't wait for you all night, so I (broke) the door

I was gonna spend the night, coulda been okay
We were gonna talk all night till I went away
Remember how you (used ) to say, "Can't stay up late"?
A minute later and I'm older now, I can't stay awake
I'm driving by your parents' farm in the Chevrolet
I remember that (rusted) car like it was yesterday

Saw my brother driving by the other day
Wish that I'd gone (about) to him, but he drove away
Saw my sister standing there, (standing)  in rain
Then I thought about nothing that feels the same

Another day come and gone
Don't think I can ever sing that song
Little (secret) we bring along
I'm taking my time
(stay) behind, I (thought) of you

Another day come and gone
Don't think I can ever sing that song
Little (secset) we bring along
Today is the day
Today is the day I think of you

Another day come and gone
Don't think I wanna sing that song
It's always () that makes us (songs)
Today is the day
Today is the day I think of you




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