There is an old English saying: “Child is father of the man". It is from William Wordsworth's poem “My Heart Leaps Up". By this, it means that people's personalities form when they are children.
There is also a Chinese version of this saying, which is, “you can predict a manhood at three years old” (三岁看老)。
Well, apparently this rule also applies to womanhood. Now let me share a couple of silly things I did when I was a young child.
I spent the first ten years of my life in a military base in China. It was in a rural area near the Guangzhou Zoo. Back then, kids had very little pressure on marks, there was no extracurricular whatsoever. All we did after school was playing, the endless tree climbing, fishing in farmers’ fishponds, swimming in the river, etc. etc.
One day, a neighbor told me that the Zoo was going to let out a tiger, and everybody was welcome to go and visit. I woke up super early next morning, actually, I felt like I barely slept the night before, due to the excitement of finally getting to see a tiger out of its cage. I anxiously waited until it was the school time, and of course, instead of going to school, I went directly to the Zoo. I spent the whole day in front of the tiger's cage, yet, as you may know already, they did not let the tiger out. Sigh. What kind of a grown up will make such a lie to a little girl?
My parents still remember all the silly things I did back at that age. For example, one morning, after I was dropped at the school, I walked all the way back home only half an hour later. Because I went to school without books and homework. I totally forgot my backpack! My Dad used to say, if I were a soldier, this was like going to the battlefield without a gun, I would be dead within two minutes.
Many decades gone by, now as a grown up, I am still busy daydreaming every day, like that young little girl, waiting for the tiger in front of the cage. I am still careless, so careless that my mom used to joke that if I gone out shopping with my son, I'd forgotten all about him and come home alone.
Thank you for spending your precious time reading my silly stories. What a life I have, so simple and naive, yet so happy. LOL
中英文分割线。 夹带私货一个我喜欢的儿歌, “You Are My Sunshine"