A Political Satire

来源: lostalley 2020-08-06 12:50:24 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3632 bytes)

Below is what I wrote on 2016 Presidential Election. I still hold the same option of the buffoon POTUS, as 2020 Election is approaching amid the pandemic.


A Political Satire 

By Lostalley 11/6/2016


Let's not forget that Trump's victory is only a half battle. Hillary actually won the popular vote. Regardless, Trump's presidency is more likely a crippled marathoner than a lightening sprinter, as half of his constituents are bent on deposing him, let alone cooperating. American elite just had a brain concussion and temporarily disoriented by a self-made and public-sucked invincible myth. But once the dust settles and the emperor is deroped, Trump will be Trump, nothing more worthy than a novelty cross between a snake oil salesman and pathetic egoist, who fantasizes himself as a modern day messiah. His campaign slogans, if delivered minimally, would wreak havoc across the board, equally hurting the desperate in the Rust Belt and enraging the despots in the formerly Clan enclave South, ever more so than what even the most politically correct architects could achieve (this dichotomy may be proven beyond Trump's cognitive capability). Then, Donald the Lame-Duck would have to face a grim dilemma of self-making: his radical policies, enforced or not, become such a liability that his euphoric-then-but-disillusioned-now supporters may turn against him. This is not the worst he can do. Trump The Deal Maker, for lack of intellect and sophistication, is prone to view geopolitical conflicts in a real estate lens and let his marketing instincts dictate instead of listening to bipartisan professionals. So, he could sell Alaska back to Putin for more Trump Casinos built in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Last but not the least, if he is still not sobered by the more resilient institutional power that confines presidential power, he may end up alienating his friends and energizing his foes in a melodramatic scenario:  pitchfork-welding village idiots and angry mobs in pickup trucks, whom he stirred up so passionately, would gather in front of his glitzy Trump Towers on the 5th Avenue, chanting, "make America great again!" By then, hopefully, President Trump may come to terms with what he has accomplished: American Democracy, mediocre or superior, has been turned into a La La Land that even Alex de Tocqueville could not foresee in his wildest imagination. God bless America, land of the free, home of the brave. Alas.  


deroped or derobed? -Marauders- 给 Marauders 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/09/2020 postreply 21:25:12

Sorry for the typo.Thanks for spotting it. -lostalley- 给 lostalley 发送悄悄话 lostalley 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/10/2020 postreply 19:49:34

Another typo: "I still hold the same option.....", should be "op -lostalley- 给 lostalley 发送悄悄话 lostalley 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/10/2020 postreply 19:52:46
