Haha, I found a good excuse to start a good talk!

来源: askerfor 2018-12-02 20:55:14 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (257 bytes)
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anyway, you are a good chatter, an even better one if keeping on keeping valid that excuse. This chatting room is a bit too silent:)) l believe the novelist loves better this last name that is so fantastic and worth talking about. 


Which do you prefer -Marauders- 给 Marauders 发送悄悄话 (597 bytes) () 12/03/2018 postreply 21:04:42

it is really hard to say -askerfor- 给 askerfor 发送悄悄话 askerfor 的博客首页 (857 bytes) () 12/04/2018 postreply 16:20:05


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