pretty follies应指撒娇胡闹,跟后面的that, 是这些prettyfollies使她赢得他的,

Naked of reticence是指devoid of reticence, 不是赤裸的意思,和后面的shorn of 对应, 指她本该将她的little wicked ways (小小花招)spread like a chart (指一一坦率地给他看)。这虚拟语气一直管到这一行第一句完结。had you remained同 If you had remained, 所以又是一个新的虚拟句。前面部分表达她原本可以这样做,如果他留下来,原本是怎样,而其实她没有这样做,所以才有下面一段讲她留在他记忆中的是怎样的印象。 你应该重新仔细读一下这首诗。若要还原到正常语法写的话,前面一句应是:

I think I should have loved you presently, and [should have] given words in earnestthat I flung in jest ; and [should have] lifted honest eyes for you to see, and [should have] caught your hands against my cheek and breast; and [should have] flung aside all my pretty follies that won you to me, and [should have] spread my little wicked ways like a chart beneath your gaze, naked of reticence and shorn of pride.
