Chinese accent

Hello & Happy 4th!

I am new here. People here in this forum are definitely English experts!! I have been living in the US for 20 years. I used to be a college teacher of English. But I still have traces of my Chinese accent. How to improve the accent? What is the best site to help? Anyone any idea?

Many Thanks!!


Let me say this if I may -Marauders- 给 Marauders 发送悄悄话 (460 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 06:37:35

Thanks for your comment -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (143 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 07:17:33

I mean a site which can give the standard pronounciation for any -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 07:33:12

for any words in English. -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 07:34:12

I live in the south of the state. The southern accent here is so -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 10:00:01

"Cute" - I mean -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 10:00:53

I'll take a look at it. Thanks a bunch! -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 17:39:14

蔷薇,Welcome to 美语世界 -京燕花园- 给 京燕花园 发送悄悄话 京燕花园 的博客首页 (348 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 07:11:10

Thank you! I need to get the equipment first as for recording:-) -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 07:25:23

美语坛网友们撰写的[简易录音和上传方法]: -紫君- 给 紫君 发送悄悄话 紫君 的博客首页 (126 bytes) () 07/05/2014 postreply 09:21:29

It's nice to see you here:) -南山松- 给 南山松 发送悄悄话 南山松 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 08:39:27

You are super nice! -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 10:21:14

欢迎您的到来。 -~叶子~- 给 ~叶子~ 发送悄悄话 ~叶子~ 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 08:50:51

I feel welcomed by 版主们:-) -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 10:02:09

Never too late to reduce your accent.:) -beautifulwind- 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 beautifulwind 的博客首页 (96 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 13:59:39

Absolutely agree. Always be a better yourself no matter how old -天边的蔷薇- 给 天边的蔷薇 发送悄悄话 天边的蔷薇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2014 postreply 17:41:15
