Aha, what a "cowed the 'enemy' "!

来源: 北京二号 2013-10-03 01:53:31 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2570 bytes)

I wish it won't "cow the 'friend' " at the same time. :-)

Toward "discrimination", I naturally take a different approach from yours. When I was in grade school, I was one of the worst in the class each time I went to a new school -- scince I kept being accepted by better schools. In the early years of my career, many people's first impression of me was that I porbably were more a pretty vase than an able professional. When I first moved to this country, I didn't dare to say anything other than "hello", "how are you", and "good bye". When I started to post here in this forum, I could only stand myself writing in Chinese. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that when I went to Beijing to attend college, out of the 44 girls in my class, I was one of the only two who were from the countryside. Oops, and again here in this forum, quite a few smart and pretty people believed I must be as ugly and old-looking as girls from my alma mater could be.

If I tell you that I have never been discriminated, I must be lying. But have I been discrminated often or seriously? The answer is a definite "NO". As a matter of fact, after people really knew me or after I improved, they admired/respected me and appreciated my existence.

Being a "late bloomer" (or the disadvantaged, to be accurate), my attitude has been to know my real situation, admit my shortcomings, pay attention to the meaningful things and focus on what I can do. Maybe the attacks were igored, or maybe I am simply lucky. I have never been hurt by the above mentioned or other disadvantages that I have had. Hence I never needed to defend myself or fight back.

I understand that your case is different. You came here as "princess the only beauty", and that automatically put yourself in the disadvantage of being under the huge pressure of being the most advantaged. Even so, there are still easy ways to free yourself. As smart as you are, you sure don't need my reminder. I know that clearly. And I am only trying to have a little conversation with you, hoping to cool you down a little bit.

Ah, before I go, have to tell you something: google translation is sooooooooo damn cooooooooooooool!




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